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- 3rd. Pov. -

- 2 weeks later - at the school -

Since the doctor incident, Yo hasn't been to school. But he's coming back today, and this is also the first time he's going to school with his 'glow-up' look.
He's pretty confident, he feels great, but he's a bit anxious and worried about being alone without out one of his five SMs with him for nearly six hours. That's how long it'll be till Pha, Kit, Beam, and Yo can meet up for some food and then another four hours before Ming and Forth can join them for dinner.

"Are you going to be alright?" Forth asked as him and Ming dropped Yo off for class.

"Yeah, I'll be ok," Yo smiled and nodded. ForthMing smiled and kissed his cheek as he got out of the car.

"Call us if you need anything," Ming said.

"I will," Yo smiled and kissed them before walking to class.

-  after class -

"Where's Yo?" Kit asked as him, Beam, and Pha waited in the parking lot for the youngest.

"I'm not sure, his phone isn't on," Pha said and they waited about ten more minutes before starting to look for him.

"Yo! Please just hear me out?" A girl said as she ran by Kit - she was looking for Yo too. Kit hid behind a wall and listened to their conversation.

"Noelle you know I don't like you the same way you like me," Yo said once the girl caught up to him.

"But Yo, I've liked you since we were kids," Noelle said and Yo just rolled his eyes.

"I already found my SMs, and you're not one of them." Yo said getting a bit irritated, but he didn't want to be rude - but being nice wasn't working either.

"Just one date? Please," She was begging at this point.

"No." Yo said and started walking away and made it around the corner where Kit was hiding.

"Is she following you?" Kit whispered. Yo looked and she was coming their way.

"Yeah," Yo said and Kit smiled before pushing Yo against the wall and kissed him. Once Noelle saw them she immediately walked away - while yelling at Yo that he 'wouldn't get away with this'. She's just a delusional fan-girl honestly.

Yo didn't even hear that part - he was too into the kiss with Kit. Pha and Beam found them a few minutes later and pulled them apart from each other before they could go too far.

Kit just held Yo's hand as they walked back to the car - Yo pouted the whole way home and then dragged Kit to his room once they got home.

"Wanna go out? Even if we're all together, it's weird hearing them if we're not apart of it," Beam said. Pha agreed and they left to go get ice cream and then pick Ming and Forth up from work.

- later that night -

"We're back!" Pha yelled as him, Beam, Ming, and Forth walked into the house. Kit and Yo were asleep on the couch after eating a bunch of snacks.

"Damn," Ming was surprised at the mess.

"Look at Kit's neck, is that Yo's lipstick or actual marks?" Forth asked seeing how red/purple Kit's neck was.

"Yo's is the same," Pha noticed as he was cleaning up their mess.

"Who knew they could do THAT much damage..." Beam was impressed.

The older four boys cleaned up the mess and then joined the youngest two on the couch to watch movies before dinner.

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