1: Awkward Start

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You glanced back, he was still there. You went to pick up some flowers for your new dorm. It was only 9:00 PM, but not very many people were out and about. 'Why is he following me?' you thought.
He kept shouting, "Ma'am! Ma'am!" You kept running until you turned in an alley which turned out to be a dead end. You dropped the bouquet of flowers and felt the soft petals brush your ankles. Your eyes widened as the large figure approached.

"P-please!" you whimpered, "you can have my purse!" You gestured it forward and large hand grabbed it.

Surprisingly he put it back on you and laughed. "I'm not going to rob you! You actually dropped your wallet back there." He said as he set his hand forward, revealing a small, pink wallet.

You wiped the sweat from your forehead and blushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend yo-"
"It's alright! I just thought that you were going to call the police on me! That would've been something!"
You forced out a chuckle and the street lamp flickered on, revealing his face.

He looked absolutely beautiful.

You blushed more intensely as he realized you were his age. He seemed to blush a little bit too.

"Do you need help going anywhere?" he asked, trying to cover up his red face.

You did, actually. You had no idea where the dorms where. "Y-you don't happen to know where the U.A. Dormitory is located, do you?"

He exhaled and smiles. "Yeah! That's where I live! C'mon, I'll show you!"

He walked with you side by side down the chilly sidewalks into U.A. He must've noticed your intense shivering, because he took off his jacket, and placed it over you, revealing a tight white long sleeve shirt.

You showed him the paper, and he looked surprised yet pleased. "According to this," he began, "were in the same dorm!"

"Really?" you said, immediately embarrassed of how excited you sounded.

"Really!" he smiled. He thrust his large hand out and said, "I'm Mirio Togata! And we're in the same grade!"

He looked so perfect.

You shakily put out your hand. "I'm Y/N. First year at this school. I mean, not a freshman, but it's my first year-"

He threw his head back and laughed. "You're hilarious, you know that?"

Your lips rugged into a grin and said, "No, not at all, actually."

He smiled once more as he showed you inside. He helped you to your room only to see a little yellow sign that said, "ROOM CLOSED FOR CLEANING! SORRY!".

At this point you were very tired and your flowers were wilting. "Bummer!" Mirio said, with his hand on his chin. "Hey! I got a futon if you wanna sleep over!".

"Well, if it's no trouble, then yes please."

"Of course! Everyone else is asleep so we couldn't wake them! Just stay at my dorm."

He helped you over to his room and unlocked the door. Inside was a tidy and perfectly cute little area. It had a large bed, and futon, a television with some sort of game system hooked up to it, a microwave, some weights in the corner, and a faded All Might poster.

"This place is so clean." you commented.

"Yeah. Dirty areas are the worst, am I right?" he said, bumping you gently with his shoulder. He proceeded to lay down on the futon and you were a little confused.

"When I meant 'I've got a futon', I meant you can have the bed."

He was such a gentleman. He was so generous and kind to you. You laid down on the mattress, too tired to fumble with blankets and almost fell right asleep. You remember seeing through tired eyes, Mirio gently taking your hair out of a ponytail, taking off your shoes and putting a blanket over you.

When morning came, the first thing you did was thank Mirio. He barely sat up in the futon and yawned. You walked over to him and bowed. "Thank you so much for you hospitality and kindness. I appreciate it greatly." You stood up straight. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

He blinked the sleep away from his eyes and grinned. "Wanna be friends?" He stuck his hand once more.

You looked a little shocked, but shook his hand anyway. "Of course,"

Your tongue tickled as you said his name. "Mirio."

Weak • Mirio Togata 𝑥 Shy! Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now