12: Anniversary Night

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You paid quickly and took your tea with you. You wrapped your dango in napkin and put it into your purse. You said thanks and head out the door.

The sidewalks felt more crowded than usual. People bumped into you left and right.

Mirio was usually always by your side or holding your hand. You felt smaller now without him. You had realized you had been gone barely and hour and you already were missing him.

Was this a bad thing? Your clingy tendencies haven't really done anything negative to your life. You missed him. You were so, so used to him being near you at all times it felt cold without him. You rushed down the sidewalk, not caring where you spilt your tea, not caring who you bumped in to. The wind against your face made your eyes water. Your eyes also produced some tear. The began falling without warning. You saw the dorms and continued down the side walk. You began in a full sprint and the tears were gushing now.

You reached the door and ran up the stairs. "Mirio?" You could see him on the boys floor. You went up to the girls floor and saw him, sitting beside your door, holding a bouquet of flowers, asleep. He must have thought that you were inside.

The thing that was the most disturbing, is that Hado was sitting on his lap, making out with him

You dropped your purse.

"What the-"

Mirio didn't seem like he was actually doing anything back, like Hado was just making out with his unconscious body. Something wasn't quite right with this image.

Hado pulled away from him. His eyes were closed and his head limp. He looked asleep. There was a string of saliva from her mouth to his. Hado noticed you and looked at you.

"Hey there, Y/N." She said in a seductive voice.

"What did you do to him?"

She put a finger to her lips, silencing you. "He went to sleepy-time." She said cocking her head.

You began walking over to her. She stood up, still facing Mirio. You glared at her.

You bent down to Mirio. You shook him a little bit to wake him up. He wasn't waking up.

"Hee-hee! It's going to take more than that to wake him up." Hado whispered. She turned around and began walking out of the dorms.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" you shouted furiously.

"Just a 'lil angry you took my man."

"I didn't take him, he just chose me over you. That's what infuriates you, Hado."

She stopped in her tracks and turned around. She walked towards you with anger and bent over you.

"Listen here you little slut! I have known Mirio since I was a little kid! And I have loved him ever since! It just doesn't seem fair to me that all of a sudden this cry-baby, clingy weakling comes along and all of a sudden he loved you and wants to protect you!!!!"

She raised her hand to slap you and you tuned your face, ready to brace for the pain. But thr blow never landed.

Mirio was standing over you, holding her wrist. Hado looked at Mirio, perplexed.

Mirio, whatre you-" he threw her hand down and stepped in front of you. Mirio looked tired. His hair wasn't in a cowlick and his eyes had little bags under them. And one eye was more open than the other. You also realized that he was in nice clothes: a yellow sweater and some baggy blue jeans. The bouquet was still in one hand.

"Go, Hado. Leave her out of this." He said.

She stomped her foot. "Mirio! I thought that you liked me?"

Weak • Mirio Togata 𝑥 Shy! Reader  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now