What the ranks mean.

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   A male who rules an area , with villagers that live with in the area, there for this will be the highest rank.

A female who rules an area, with villagers that live with in the area, there for this also will be the highest rank.

A kings, and queens, kid that obviously is a male

A kings, and queens, kid that's obviously a female

~:A higher up:~
A higher up is someone who is close to the Royals , so there treated better then peasants/villagers.

People that live inside the area that the king a queen rule.

~:Royal Gaurd:~
A royal gaurd is a guard that's assigned to take care of a royal.

People who protect the king a queens area of land and palace or castle.

~:Royal butler:~
That butler that stakes care of the palace, his name is Alfred and he's a Sebastian 2.0

People who sell goods :)


This is the best I can explain things c: don't @ me if I get it wrong k?

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