Meet Only To Part

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The girl was wrapped in the way Minju had been found but instead of the trash, was hung up according to Gumshoe, and dead for several hours.

Phoenix realized he had left his coat again but his mind rushed back to the body being zipped up; the body bag. He'd have to brave the cold now.

He found Gumshoe ordering around his subordinates and looking cross. Who could blame the detective?

"There you are. I heard from Apollo, the gross details."

"Well, yeah. Is that girl with you? She needs to be tested-"

"I can't. I mean, she can't."

Gumshoe's wrinkles in his forehead dug deeper in and his age was showing.

How could Phoenix do this to Minju?

"Why not?"

Phoenix didn't speak as the rush of people began spreading while daylight heralded the coming of another day. Another terrible day.

"...Because he's involved with her, unfortunately."


What was he doing here? Did Gumshoe contact him, too?

Miles Edgeworth was highly frustrated by the way his solemn expression spread to even his eyes. Contempt now. Even if Miles was Phoenix's other old friend, it didn't help that Miles was cold in this moment.

"Oh, that's a problem, then."

"It shows that Wright is making bad judgement calls. I believe she's better off, the girl, Minju is better off with me and Franziska."


Phoenix gritted his teeth.

"Wright, involving yourself with a victim or rather a suspect..."

"You don't suspect her, do you!? Remember she almost died!"

"At this moment, the prosecutor office cannot say otherwise to it. It is to be determined her role in this."


"Wright! You're losing your mind over a woman, get a grip! Don't lose your senses! Listen to me, Phoenix Wright!"

"Miles, please..."

"You're pathetic, Wright, groveling over a woman that may or may not be who she claims to be."

Miles perked up his glasses as if to look down on Phoenix.

"I believe her when she says she can't remember. I believe her because she hasn't shown to be a bad person and if you decide to take a case against her, I'll defend her."

"You do realize that's a conflict of interest? You're too involved with her, sleeping with her-"

Miles couldn't finish.

"PHOENIX! DON'T!!" Athena cried grabbing back Phoenix's punches as they landed squarely on Miles's face with his glasses thrown asunder. Again for the honor of love.

How could Miles know that?

How could anyone know of his relationship with Minju?

"It isn't secret, Wright. Your actions betray you, but it doesn't matter because she isn't staying with you anymore and it isn't up to debate but rather a court order for he protection."

"No...I can't defy the court, please allow me to say goodbye to her at least."

He conceded.

"Fine. You have one hour to do so and after that hour, I expect her to be at the courtroom to be taken into custody."

Phoenix lost.

Lost the only battle that mattered.

"Athena, call Apollo, tell him I'm coming over and taking Minju out for a bit and I'll meet him back at the office."

"Of course. Will you be okay?"

"I don't know. I'll try to be."

The ride back to his apartment was solemn, and despite his demeanor, Phoenix projected the best persona he could but breaking down was too easy for him, though tears wouldn't belong here on this day with Minju.

"Beloved, Phoenix!" She exclaimed cheerfully fully dressed in a new comfortable attire almost prouncing him at the door. "I love you so much! Where have you been? Apollo is still here and he's been watching me. What's the matter?"

"Minnie, I have to say goodbye to you for awhile. Please don't cry because I'll make sure we have the best day together."

"Beloved, I don't want to leave you...why are...?"

"No, you're being protected and I can't do that."

She bobbed her head to the side, disapproving of the situation.

"Fight it then. You're a lawyer, right?"

"I can't this time."

He clasped her hands to his breast, still tracing her swollen face with his free lips. He couldn't stop kissing her. He couldn't say goodbye so sorrowfully.

"I understand. I'm sorry for not understanding earlier. I guess, us doing this...I still want to be with you. I mean, I wanna keep up our relationship, I don't want us to break up or anything."

"Of course not. In fact, I have an idea and it's crazy, indeed but I am surer than anything in my life at this point."

Apollo stood up and passed by them, not facing anything.

Phoenix kneeled down and she stirred a bit realizing what he was proposing but he hadn't a ring to seal the deal but how could he be so reckless for a woman?

"We haven't been together long, beloved Phoenix. I don't know if I can...I still worry if I am a bad person and that I won't deserve you or anyone's kindness."

"I told you that it doesn't matter now. You've been given a second chance at a new life and besides, I do mean it. Minnie, please, accept my proposal now and think about it later."

He knew her from somewhere...just somewhere.

"Take my last name as yours for now and then later down the road, we'll deal with marriage."

Her lips quivered as her hands remained in place on his chest.

"That's fine, Phoenix Wright." She said clearly at last.

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