Chapter Ten

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"two wrongs doesn't make any thing right."
guilt; it's exactly what bong-sae felt.
regret; regret letting this get to far ahead.
sadness; sad that'll end up breaking someone's heart.
wishful; wishfully thinking that everything will turn out fine.

"no no no no, where is it?" she whispered as she looked for a wallet, the young lady was already running late for work so misplacing her wallet only made her later.

"babe what you looking for?" joon hyung asked, leaning against the door frame while brushing his teeth.

it was days later since her night with jackson and she fully regretted sleeping in the same bed with joon. she became regretful when he'd lean in for kiss or wanted to go on dates. she regretted how he'd feel once he found out. but one thing she didn't regret was sleeping with jackson, it was the best she's ever had in awhile. and she would thank him for it.

"oh!! i left at jac—." quick quick, think of a name! "—jackie's house. i completely forget since i was in a rush."

joon hyung chuckled as he muffled a silly girl making his way back to the bathroom. bong-sae decided to book it to the door because one, she was already late and two, she was suffocating a little bit.

"bye honey, i'll be home right after work love you!" she yelled making her way out the door, walking quite fast to make it to the bus stop on time.


as usual, bong-sae worked with got7 day in snd day out. the young lady started to think that got7 requested her to work for and with them permanently. the group was currently practicing for their upcoming comeback; which was only days away, 3 to be exact. never taking her eyes off the members just incase if one mess up, since she knew the choreography through and through. but to no surprise, no one missed up; perfect synchronization, in perfect harmony...the worker thought they weren't human sometimes.

"wow i can't believe y'all aced it again. are you sure y'all are human?" bong-sae asked as she handed them each a new bottle of water.

"" bambam breathed between his words, he must've been quite exhausted due to the choreography.

"ditto." yugyeom agreed has he rested his hands on his waist. "the more we practice the more i become exhausted physically." he finally sat on the couch.

"guys, we cant give up yeah? we have wonderful fans who are leaning on us as much as we lean on them. lets take a break and do one final rehearsal." jaebeom instructed, sitting on the stool so his body and breathing can slow down a bit.

minutes later, mark insisted that they do the final rehearsal for the day so they can go home. working with got7, the assistant realized that mark was always the one who initiated to finish quickly so he can go home.

"let's go!!!!!" jackson screamed, bong-sae smiled at her now lover.

"let's get itttttt." the rest cheered, and with that they group of ‪‪7 started the routine again, for the 100th time that day.


once everyone packed up and slowly left one by one, jackson decided it was best to stay behind and talk to bong-sae.

"honey you left something at my house~" he smirked, waving the wallet in the air being a tease.

"i know, thank you!" she reached for it but he suddenly jerked his hand backwards.

"let's grab food first and then i'll reconsider giving you the prize possession." he giggled, of course he would.

"no jackson, i want to go home." she whined, the lady had enough for today. it was one of the long ones where you had to be extremely early although she ran in late, barely had a break, and she was tired from the previous restless night.

"fine then, i'll take you home. come on my snuggle muffin." he pinched her cheeks leading the way to his vehicle.

not even 20 minutes later, the two arrived in front of the house. bong-sae looked at her windows to see all of the lights were on, meaning that joon hyung was differently up.

"well jackson thank you for dropping me off, i'd like my wallet now." she stuck out her hand.

"after this..." he slowly brought his head to hers and instantly their lips touched. the electrifying sensation from the male was the highlight of bong-sae's long, tiring day. she's been wanting to kiss him throughout the day but didn't have the balls to do it. as soon as they parted each one let out a soft wow.

"i'll see you tomorrow." jackson said biting his lip, he wanted to skrrt off and take her home and do everything, plus more, from the other night.

"bye seunnie~" she go out of the car. "oh wait my wallet."

"here you go babe." smiling as he handed her the belonging. she let out a soft thanks and made her way into the building.

but little did the undercover couple know was joon hyung seen everything that happened.

hi, it's me!
how are y'all?
sorry for late update!!!
but here it is~
okay stay safe, healthy, and healthy.
i love yall!

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