Chapter Fifteen.

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"please get out of my face, i don't want to hear anything you say." joon hyung dismissed his now ex-girlfriend. they official decided to break-up: well joon hyung did. the day before he found out the man went ring shopping. he wanted to surprise the love of his life with a promise ring, and a list of promises to go along with it.

"tuh imagine if i gave the list of promises and she promise to not break my heart.. ha!!" he took a swig of his soju bottle, the man was making up scenarios in his head. "she definitely broke that..." he stared at photo on his night stand. joon hyung gotten a small one bedroom apartment after he walked out.

joon stood from his bed, grabbing the framed photo and throwing it against the wall, a crossed the room. "FUCKING CHEATER!!!" he raged, why did she cheat? was he not good enough? rich enough? handsome enough? what was it?!


his anger turned into sadness, tears flowing like a river, knees weaken almost falling to the floor but the bed caught him.

"y-y-you hurt m-me so b-ad" he weeped, clenching on to his blanket. "i-i di-d n-n-nothing but lo-ve y-y-ou..." taking a deep breathe to slow down from crying so hard. "y-y-youre a ch-e-eater.."

joon hyung was broken from the love of  his life.

"please!!!!! don't walk away from me!!!!" she begged, grabbing his arm indicating for him to turn around and look at her. the two were trying to discuss her infidelities but the latter wasn't hearing anything, he didn't want to. he couldn't handle it.

"bong-sae.." he finally looked at her, deep into her eyes and chuckled. she isn't even affected by this, fake ass tears he thought. "you hurt me, you broke me to a point i can't even describe...all i want to know is why?"

"" she couldn't put her thoughts together, everything scrabbled in her head.

"he was showing you some type of love and affection that i never gave you? he made you feel good??..." she nodded, answering his second question. he laughed, "thanks for clarifying that up so quickly."

"i'm so sorry..." she looked down, feeling like her word was crumbling.

"save it, have a good life bong-sae." and with that he walked out, the apartment and her life forever.

woo so hi guys~
uhhhhh, sorry it's taking me so long.
im trying my best!

anyway, how are you feeling towards story?
thoughts, questions, concerns?

the italics are a flashback of after joon found out about the news and walks out.
sorry if i didn't explain much.

i wish you all a good health,
love you!!

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