Bye Harry

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Harry had to leave the next day so he started to pack. I was going to miss him so much. He has helped me more than a guy ever could. He comforts me and makes me feel happy. He finished packing and his flight left at 5:00 and it was about 11:00 am. We still had a couple hours to hang out and so we went to go to pleasure pier .
When we got there it wasn't too packed it was probably about 100 people which isn't bad for the pier if you think about it. Half of them were leaving any ways. We had got our tickets and just worked out way to the back. The first ride we got on was the cyclone. It was so fun. His hair was going crazy the whole time and so was mine. The next ride we got on was the revolution. It was so fun and I had butterflies in my stomach. Harry and I didn't go on the Pirates plunge because we didn't want to get wet. Next was the IRON SHARK. I was so scared to get on it since I have never been on a roller coaster that goes upside down. I didn't say I was scared but I really didn't want to get on it. I could tell he was really excited to get on it but my face was green! They clipped us in and the ride started. Now I knew I was going to get on the ride no matter what. We were rolling up and I was squeezing Harry's hand. "Are you afraid of roller coasters?" He asked. "Just a little" I said nervously. he just smiled at me which made me feel a little better. The drop was going to happen in 3 2 1 AHHHHHHH! The ride was going right and left, upside down, twisting and turning for probably about 10 seconds. It was a short but fun ride. The day continued and we got on most of the rides, ate, then went home. It was now 4:30 and he had to leave to air port. I drive him to the airport to say our goodbyes and I was going to miss him. He gave me a kiss goodbye and said "I'm going to miss you". "Me too" I said. I hugged him and he left to leave.


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