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This morning Tasha calls each of us asking if we want to grab brunch with her and her two kids. Robin declines, claiming that she isn't feeling well, which I take to meaning that she's hung-over.

I should probably stop making jabs at her drinking habits. She could have a serious problem. I have no idea though why Savannah isn't joining us.

"Savannah couldn't make it?" I ask Tasha.

"No," she says. "She said she already had plans. Which means she's probably with Harry."

"So that's his name." It's been a week since she's met him- Harry- at the club and he's just about the only thing she's talked about since. I'd yet to remember his name though until now. It's been such a relief to hear her talk about anyone else besides Victor.

"Yep," she says. "He seems like a nice guy. Such an upgrade from Victor."

"Totally. Victor was a creep."

"Definitely. I think she really likes him, though. Harry, I mean. She says she's bringing him to the office Christmas party."

"Good for her."

She nods as she spoons fruit into her daughter's mouth.

"What about you and Neil?" she asks, and I have to stifle a giggle. Maybe its time I tell them that Neil isn't his actual name.

"I actually haven't spoken to him in a week," I tell her.

"Good for you," she says, tipping the little spoon toward me. I accept her praise. But the truth is, my break from Niall hasn't been any of my doing. Niall hasn't called or texted me in over a week and it hurts because I'm supposed to be distancing myself from him. It isn't helping that we're currently in the pancake house that he used to take me to back when we were dating. I wish I had asked her if we could have eaten somewhere else.

I shove a forkful of pancake into my mouth. The hearty meal is helping me ease some of the emptiness I'm feeling.

Niall enjoys pancakes a lot more than any grown man should. I found this out one morning after attempting to sneak out of his apartment after I slept with him the first time.

I sat up on Niall's bed as I slipped on my heels. I had zipped my dress backwards but I couldn't bring myself to care. It would have been obvious to any passerby that I was returning home from a one nightstand. I didn't see the point in trying to make it look anything else.

At that moment I felt a shift beside me and I cursed myself in my head for failing to make an quieter exit.

"Morning," Niall said, lifting his arms above his head as he yawned.

"Morning," I said, taking in the view of him. He was even prettier the morning after. I remembered wondering how in the world was that possible.

"Where you headed?" He raised a brow. He was probably wondering why I hadn't left yet. Or maybe he was wondering why the zipper of my dress was now showing on my front.

"Home?" I replied.

"Oh," he said, his voice still a bit raspy. "Right."

"Yeah." I smiled, preparing to leave. "Um.... Thanks for last night?"

"Wait," he said before I made it to his bedroom door. "Are you hungry?"

"Uh." I pursed my lips. "Yeah. I could eat."

"Cool," he said. "I know this great little pancake place down the block."

"Okay." To say I was confused would have been an understatement. He didn't seem like the kind of guy to bed a girl and then invite her to breakfast afterwards.

He got up from the bed and pulled on the nearest t-shirt and pair of grey sweats.

"Let's go," he said, pulling his wallet from his nightstand and leading the way.

The pancakes were hot and fluhffy and Niall couldn't decide which flavor syrup he wanted on his tall stack so he combined them all, creating his own flavor he then dubbed 'blustrapleberry'.

After preventing him from pouring the additive all over my pancakes as well, he insisted that I try some of his. I opened my mouth as he fed me some of his pancake and closed my eyes at the surprisingly appetizing taste of blustrapleberry. I might have accidentally let a little moan slip out because Niall smirked as he pulled his fork away. It felt a lot more sensual then I'm sure either of us intended it to be.

"So," he began. "Phoebe."


"I like that name," he said. "Never heard it before."


He shook his head. "It's really pretty. It suits you."

I was surprised that he didn't link my name with that of Lisa Kudrow's character on Friends, like everyone else did. I almost hated when people made the reference. I mean, I'd had the name longer than her.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Niall is a cool name too."

"Nah." He chuckled, shaking his head gently as he reached for his orange juice. "It's annoying and overused. I swear every other kid I knew growing up was also called Niall."

"Really? I've never heard it before."



We shared a smile.

"Niall," I said, mostly to myself. Enjoying the way it rolled off my tongue.

"I like hearing you say it," he said with a smirk. "Say it again."

"Only if you say mine," I countered.

"Phoebe," he said, leaning his elbows on the table and angling himself toward me.

"Niall," I whispered before his lips met mine, embroiling me into a sticky sweet kiss. The taste of blueberry syrup was heavily present on his tongue. He was absolutely delicious.

"You think you'll bring anyone to the Christmas party?" Tasha asks, pulling me away from the thought of Niall's mouth.

"Nah." I stab my fork into another piece of pancake. "Maybe I'll get in a dance or two with Ashton."

She smiles hearing this.

"Uh oh," I grin at the little boy beside me who's trying to pick up his syrupy pancake with his  hand, only to have it turn to mush between his fingers.

"Sweetie, use your fork," Tasha says to her son.

He nods to himself and proceeds to pick up his fork, carefully shoveling food into his little mouth.

"They're so cute," I say, now eying the little girl sitting next to her.

"Yes, but so so messy." Tasha laughs and I smile as she feeds her more fruit. I put my fork down to reach for more strawberry syrup.

"Why do you mix all the syrups together like that?" Tasha asks.

"I don't know." I shrug and look down at the mess of colors on my plate. "It's just a habit, I guess."

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