Aubergine Tangerine

699 19 9

>>Guess I'll kick it off lmoa
{FIRST DARE; Dave, admit your feelings to your sPoRtSy!}
Are you fuckin' serious right now?
Indeedly-do, eggplant!
>He walks off to look for Jack, and finds him a little while later
Hey Uh, Old Sport, can I talk to ya for a sec?
Yeah, what's up?
Look, okay? This was a dare. It's NOT TRUE. I was told to tell you that I...
I love ya....
Oh this isn't new news.
Wait what—
I know the dare was to actually tell you how you really feel, but it's alright!
I uhhh...
>He's no longer an eggplant, he's a tomato
It's okay, because I love you too~
>I think DAVE.exe just stopped working
>He gives him a lil smooch
>Yeah I think he actually broke
>He kisses him back

AND THERE YA HAVE IT PEOPLE, THE TANGERINE AND THE AUBERGINE ARE OFFICIALLY A THIIIIIIING! Congrats you two you jus made like 3/4ths of the fandom ecstatic
Oh god. Does the Fandom really ship us that hard?
You haven't the slightest clue, aubergine man.
...I feel vaguely threatened

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