Chapter 16 | Telling Master

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Lucy POV

It was the next day and I hadn't seen the masked dude so far, natsu is at the guild along with happy, so I decided to continue to train my newly founded powers. I've mastered all the roars, except the fifth one of course, and I've mastered the wing attack for Fire, Water, and air. I'm currently working on the Nature Wing Attack and a few others. I've also found that Nature Dragons have a attack called 'Nature Beam' which I'm also trying to master. Nature beam is an attack which makes a beam of wood come out of your hand and to where ever you are firing it.

"Nature Dragon Wing Attack!" I shout and vines wrap around my arms forming wings making them like the main bone for wings as I charged a tree. The attack had broken down a total of 5 trees but I know I could do better.

"Good job Lucy" I turn around and see Star sitting on a log of one of the trees that had fallen from the attack.

"Oh hey Star, I didn't notice you were here." I sit down on one of the broken trees.

"I tried my best to not disturb you, I didn't want to break your concentration." She flys to my side and I scratch her head which made her lean on me.

"Heh." I say trying to catch my breath. "Seems like I need to gain more magic power before I can continue, otherwise I'll be warn out within just a few attacks." She nodded.

"Do the Zodiacs know of your new power?"

"Probably, I mean they do tend to watch what I do even when I don't summon them. They tend to watch from the stars" I look up at the sky. "Especially Loke"

"How do they watch you from the stars when it's daylight out?" I look down at the Phoenix.

"A lot of people think that when it's daylight out, The Stars can't watch over you. Although even when you can't see them, they are always watching. They can see us, even when we can't see them because the sun is so bright to where the light from the sun blends in with the Stars. But at night when the sun goes away, it lets the stars have all the light. It's like having a band. When one member is having a solo, their the Star. But they trade off between other members so each of them can have a chance to be the Star of the show. Well the same thing goes for the Stars and the Sun." I smile at Star and look back up at the sky.

"I see.." the Phoenix says while looking at the sky.

Third Person POV
We stayed like that for awhile. Just laying down on the grass and looking at the sky, observing the different shapes of clouds, etc. it was about 3 pm when they decided to get up, they had been sky gazing for about an hour and a half. Star decided to head to the guild and grab them a few snacks while Lucy started to concentrate on gaining magic energy by meditating.


She eyes shot right open as She looked around where the sound came from. She let out a long quiet breath, keeping her guard up and looking right where she heard the sound, which was behind where she was meditating to the right. Lucy was in a fighting stance, reading for anything.

"Lucyyyy I got the snacks!!" Star comes up behind Lucy. "Lucy?"

She wasn't paying any attention to the Phoenix but wouldn't take her eyes away from that spot.


"Huh?" She snapped out of her consonance by the golden Phoenix. Although she still didn't take her eyes off the spot.

"Lucy are you okay?" The Phoenix looked at the blonde worriedly.

"Huh? Oh yea I'm fine. But I think we should head to the guild, we've been out for quite awhile." Star nods and they both walk towards the guild. Lucy was still very tensed and was gripping her whip, ready for anything. She was also lookin around, being aware of her surroundings.

"Are you okay Lucy? You seem a bit off.." Star questioned.

"I'm fine, just a bit warn out from training." She lied but gave the Phoenix a reassuring smile. She nodded and we opened the door to the guild.

"I see you finally decided to join us Lucy" Cana shouts, drinking a beer. Lucy laughs and nods at Cana, she was starting to feel less tense but was still on the look out.

"Lu-Chan are you okay?" Levy asks as Lucy sits in front of her, Star has gone to talk to the exceeds.

"Yea I'm fine just warn out from training." She chuckles a bit. The blue head looked at her in disbelief, obviously not believing the blonde. Lucy sighed and said, "Um could we talk somewhere more private?" She said in a whisper tone. Levy nodded and her and Lucy went to the furthest corner in the guild where no one would usually hang out.

"What's going on Lu-Chan? You have been more tensed lately."She asked her friend worriedly.

"Well.." Lucy has explained to her about the 'Masked Man' which she believes is Damon, and the incident that happened before she came to the guild today.

"So.. that's why you wanted me to look for the name 'Damon.' And someone's been pretty much stalking you, and the only people who know about this are You, me, Natsu, and Happy?" Lucy nods. "We have to tell Master Lu-Chan. This could be really serious." Levy grabs her friends hand and looks into her eyes. "Lu you could be in danger."

"I know. But I can't tell Master yet, I want to find out more first."

"Tell Master what?"

Levy and Lucy both shot their heads to where the voice came from.

"I-oh Hey Mira heh heh heh." Lucy scratches the back of her neck.

"Girls what's going on, Lucy you have been acting weird lately, Natsu doesn't fight as much, and now you two are over here talking quietly in like a 'Secret Formation' type of way." Mira sits down in front of me and levy. "Tell me."

Lucy lets out a sigh, "I guess I couldn't keep it to myself any longer." Levy nods at the girl.

"Let's tell Master first then we will explain to everyone else okay lu?" Levy says to the girl putting her hand on her shoulder, Lucy nods. "We will tell you soon Mira, but we have to tell Master first." Levy Explains, Mira nods and heads back to the counter. The two girls head up to masters office.

Lucy POV
We are standing in front of Masters office and I'm nervous. I breath in and out trying to calm my nerves when Levy puts her hand on my shoulder, "Everything will be okay Lu, just explain to him what you told me." I nod at her and knock on the door.

"Come in" I hear master say in the other side. Levy and I enter his office to see him sitting on his desk looking at us.

"Is something wrong you two?" Master asks.

"Um.. you could say that?" Levy replies.

"Talk to children." Master says and focused on just Levy and I. I explained to him the same thing I explained to Levy. Levy had to leave to help Jet and Droy with something so it was just me and Master.

"How long has this been going on?" Master asks.

"Since my last job."

"So not long at all huh?" Master puts a hand on his chin in a thinking motion. "Does Levy know?"

"Yes she knows about Damon."

"No not Damon. Your powers?"

"O-oh no, she doesn't."

"Who knows about Damon?" Master looks at me in the eye.

"Happy, Natsu, Levy, You, and then me. That's all." I answer his question.

Master nods and turns in the microphone on the desk. "Can Team Natsu, Mira, and Levy come to my office." He says into the microphone.


Words : 1366

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