As A Family

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Gabriel and Nathile had a meeting with Jagged Stone and his assistant Penny. They also brought Adrien and Marinette with them as he knew they were big fans. He also knew that Mari usually made Jagged's clothing so they also brought her for her own opinion on Gabe's designs. They had also stopped being Hawkmoth and Myrua because Adrien found out and he convinced them to stop. They also knew that he was Chat Noir. They had told Master Fu to take the miraculous but apparently Duusu and Nooro kept on annoying him telling him that they wanted to go back to them so he let them go back to Nathile and Gabriel so long as they didn't use the miraculous for evil. Also the peacock miraculous was now fixed.

Time skip
They had just walked into Jagged's hotel room with Penny guiding them in. Penny had immediately hugged Nathile when she saw her as the two of them were best friends. They walked in front of Gabe and Adrien as Penny told her about what happened a few days before. They both walked in giggling as Adrien turned to his father and said
A I've never seen Nathile giggle before, father.
G I know...she's beautiful when she laughs. *looks at her adoringly*
A father you're staring at her.
G what no I'm not!
A yes you were...ahhhhh! Do you love her!?
G no! Pfft! Of course not...?
A okay then...*raises his brow*
Then they walked in and saw Jagged sitting on his bed with his electric guitar.

N nice guitar, Jagged

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N nice guitar, Jagged.
J thanks, Nat...can you play?
N yes I can.
J you wanna play?
N sure...I'll give it a go.
Then Jagged handed her the guitar as she put one leg on the edge of the bed. Then she immediately started to play, leaving everyone absolutely shocked.

M where?
A what?
P how?
J when?
G why?
N *giggles*
G when did you learn to do that?
N well like I told you parents hated I spent most of my time out of the house...I took music lessons for piano, keyboard, guitar, electric guitar, ukulele, bass guitar and drums. I also took dance for 6-7 years of my life...however ballet was my favourite.
P I'm sorry about that, Nat.
N it's fine, Pen.
G I'm so sorry, Nat. *hugs her*
N *blushes* it's fine, sir.
G me, Gabriel or Gabe okay? *kisses her head*
N I apologise sir - I mean Gabriel.
G why did you start calling me, sir? We've known each other for twenty years...since we were ten. *wraps his arms around her waist* you used to call me so many different Gabey, Gabes, Gabers and your best friend.
N well after you started this became didn't even notice that I started calling you sir...I thought that you had finally left me...just like all the other important people in my life...that you finally moved on. I didn't care that you weren't my friend anymore...all I cared about was the fact that your dream came long as you were happy I was happy. *tears up* I knew one day that you'd leave me...I just didn't realize that it was gonna hurt so much. I tried so hard to not let you get close to me again...because I couldn't stand the thought of loosing another person...but that didn't I gave up since I knew you'd leave one day I just hoped it would be before I grew to attached to you.
G oh, Nat. I'm so sorry. You were my best friend! I let success get to my head! I'm such a bad person!
N no you're not...out of the two of us you're the person who deserves success the most, Gabe.
G no I don't!
N yes you're talented, smart, kind and loving...why shouldn't you have your dream. If anything I shouldn't even be here...I am not good enough.
G DON'T EVER SAY THAT AGAIN! You are an amazing, beautiful, kind, sweet, smart, talented and did I mention BEAUTIFUL?! So don't ever underestimate yourself understand!?
N I uh um?
G understand?
N y-yes?
G good, Natty.
Then they started staring endlessly into each others eyes. He couldn't stop staring into her eyes...he had always known she had beautiful eyes. But never really told her how beautiful they were.
G your eyes are beautiful, Nat.
N *blushes* t-thank you...Gabers. *smiles at him*
A, J, P, M *coughs*
P we're still here you know? *looks at them unimpressed*
Then Nathile's phone rang and she said
N hold on.
Then when she looked at the ID caller she groaned in annoyance.
G what?
N Mrs. Bourgeois. Ugh! She's so so annoying.
Then she answered the phone, in a very monotone voice, and said
N Nathile Sancoeur speaking. How may I assist you?
Au hey bitch, I need to talk to, Gabriel.
N I'm sorry Mrs. Bourgeois but Gabriel is busy at the moment.
Au listen here bitch! I demand to talk to Gabriel...and you should address him as sir or Mr. Agrest. Now let me talk to, Gabe!
N I'm sorry...but you need to calm do-
Nathile froze at that moment and since Audrey had screamed it everyone in the room heard that.
G Nathile?
That brought her back down to Earth.
N I'm sorry Mrs. Bourgeois but I have to go.
Then she hung up the phone and the adults sent Mari and Adrien out. Nathile was still stood there...frozen.
P Nathile? Are you okay? *looks at her softly*
But Nathile didn't respond all she did was stand there.
G Nathile, Princess?
That brought her back to reality.
N I'm fine!
She said in an emotionless voice.
G're not alright.
N yes I am!
G could you two also leave us alone?
J, P of course! *walks out*
N why did you send then out...I'm fine!
G *pick her up in his arms*
N eeeequk! I'm fine!
G princess you are not fine!
N yes I am!
G no you are not! Why won't you tell me the truth?
N cause I'm scared okay!?
G scared of what?!
N scared of being hurt again! I love you, Gabe! I've loved you since we were 16! But you fell for Emilie. That's another reason I became so distant...because I FUCKING LOVE YOU GABRIEL AGREST!
Gabe's hold on her tightened. He felt his heart rate pick up. He realized that all the little things he was noticing about her was because he loved her. Adrien was right...he did love her.
G Nathile, princess...I love you too.
N what?
G I love you.
N but I thought...what about Emelie?
G you helped me move on, Nat. I'm so sorry if I hurt you.
N no no it's fine.
G can I uh kiss you? Wait what? *mumbles to himself* idiot she's not gonna kiss yo-mphm!
He was inturupted by Nathile placing her lips on his. When they let go he smiled at her and said.
G so you've loved me since we were 16?
N *blushes* uh yeah.
He pushed her against the wall and said
G baby...why didn't you tell me?
N cause I thought you didn't feel the same way.
G I'm sorry.
Then he started to kiss her neck gently.
N mmm stop.
G why, baby?!
N cause we have people waiting for us outside.
G fine but just one more kiss please, baby?
N fine but just one more okay? But put me down!
G yeah! *puts her down*
Then he kissed her passionately on the lips as he pushed her against the wall. She groaned a little when he bit her lip. This gave him the chance to slide his tongue into her mouth to explore it. Then they let go as Nathile said.
N come on let's go get the others.
A actually we're already here?
N, G Adrien?!
M I'm sorry sir we went to come see if you were okay, Nathile.
N I-I am f-fine.
A I knew you loved her, father!
G *blushes* I do love her, Adrien.
N *blushes*
A so, Nathile, father...
P when are you gonna have a child, Nat?
N equkkkkkk! Stop it you, guys.
J awww is Nathile embarrassed?
N I am not...I hate you.
J no you don' love me!
N no Penny loves you.
P Nathile! Come here!
N equkkkk! Noooooo!
Then Penny started chasing Nathile around the room trying to tickle her. At one point she caught her and started tickling her.
N noooooooooo! Pen! Please stop!
G no her laughing is adorable.
P okay!
N Gabe if you help me I'll kiss you!
G *completely serious* Penny stop.
P what!? She bribes you with one kiss?
G yes now stop.
Then he walked over to Nathile and said
G okay you can kiss me now.
N nah! I changed my mind.
G right that's it...come here, baby! *tickles her*
N noooo noooo! Okay...I'm sorry.
G fine! *stops*
N yay!
G you are so cute!
N *blushes* *mumbles* whatever.
Then she walker over to Adrien and kissed his head gently.
A I love you, Nathalie.
N aw I love you too, Adrien.
G do you love me?
N no.
G what!? *whines* why?!
N cause you tickled me and I hate being tickled.
G only because you didn't keep your part of the deal! *walks over to her and pulls her into his chest.
N *whispers into his ear* well you can kiss me when we get home okay, my love? We can also have some fun so I can apologise okay?
G *blushes* *nods his head*
N okay.
Then she walked over to her bag and pulled out the designs.
G, A what are you doing?
N *giggles* my job. Now, Gabe show Jagged the designs and then we can go take Marinette and Adrien to get some ice-cream like you promised him right?
G right.
Then he quickly showed Jagged the designs as Penny and and Nathile talked with Mari and Adrien. Then Mari said
M uh Miss. Sancoeur?
N call me Nathile okay?
M uh okay...sorry.
N it's fine no need to apologise...what is it?
M I well as you know I am a fashion designer...
N yes I do know...a very talented one at that.
M *blushes* thank you...anyway...
G *walks up to Nathile from behind and hugs her as he makes her sit down on the couch with him cuddling her*
M I was wondering if you would uh...never mind.
A tell her, Mari...she won't be mean.
N of course not...tell me. *smiles kindly*
M okay then...I was wondering if the two of you or just Nathile could uh...
A basically she wants to ask if you two would model her couples outfits?
N, G really?
M um yeah...but I um it's okay if you don't.
G no no it's okay...I don't mind...what about you, Princess?
N I don't mind.
M ah really?
G, N really. Stop saying what I'm saying. Okay this is creepy...stop!
Everyone laughed as Nathile said
N okay okay...whatever...but Marinette you are a great designer we would love to model for you.
M OMG! Thank you so much.
G no problem.
M you really are a beautiful woman, Nathile.
G now don't go stealing her from me okay? *kisses Nathile on the cheek*
M no of course not.
G good!
A can we go get some ice-cream now?
G sure...come on, baby.
N are you gonna keep giving me pet names?
G of course, sugarcube.
N ewwwww now that's a bad one.
G whatever.....loser! *runs off*
N come here...Gabe!
Then Nathile ran after him with Adrien and Marinette behind her. At one point she gave up and said
N okay I'm bored...let's just go get some ice-cream without, Gabriel okay?
A *smirks* okay.
M are you sure? Shouldn't we go find him?
N, A nah!
G *walks up behind them* thank you for caring, Marinette.
N ah there you are, my love. *walks over to him and kisses him on the lips, gently*
G I um yeah I'm here.
A you okay there, father? *laughs*
Gabe was completely flustered by the fact that Nathile had kissed him so passionately. In the end the four of them went to have ice-cream and Gabe officially asked Nathile to be his girlfriend...and she said yes, obviously. When they went home Gabe, Nat and Adrien all watched a movie together and for the first time...they fell asleep as a family.

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