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its was after noon and win sat on his desk, sighing as he finished his report for his job.

he extended his arms, feeling all the tensions in his body release. he let out a satisfied sigh, standing up. 'i need coffee,' he mumbled, looking for something to wear. his sudden search was interrupted by wat barking at him.

"what is it?" wat kept barking. win was confused. "you don't want me to change?" the dog continued barking. "bark twice if you don't want me to change," wat barked twice. "alright then,"

then again, who was he dressing up for? a plain white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants? that's not lazy, bitch that's fancy.

"c'mon wat!" he grabbed his leash and harness, strapping it on the dog. wat was fueled with energy as he jumped around. "hold on, bud. i need to get my wallet," he laughed, grabbing the stuff he needed.

he grabbed his car keys and left his apartment, locking it.

minutes later, they arrived at a nearby starbucks.

"hopefully they allow puppies inside," smiled win as he put the leash on wat's harness.

as they walked inside, the smell of coffee filled win's nostrils, almost making him high. he walked over to the barista, a smile on his face.

"good afternoon, welcome to starbucks! how may i help you?"smiled the girl at the front. "can i just get an iced mocha latte and an iced matcha?" he said, handing over his credit card.

"how about your puppy? we have treats made specially for dogs!" she advertised. "what do you say, wat? paw if yes, bar if not." win crouched down and held a hand out.

it took the pup a while before putting a paw on his owner's hand.

"smart dog!" she complimented. win smiled, proud that he definitely did have a smart dog. "bananas or strawberries?"

win crouched down to the dog's level. "jump for bananas, paw for strawberries," the dog jumped as high as he could.

win was foo invested in his dog and his order that he didn't notice that people were recording him. i mean, i don't blame them. if i saw something like that, i'd definitely record them!

"alright, what is your name sir?" she asked, a marker and cup in hand. "win," he replied, putting his change away. "we'll call out for your name when your order's ready."

win nodded, walking away to find a seat.

wat lead him to an empty booth. "good choice, bud." he cheered, sitting down. wat sat on the table, his hind legs bent while his front legs were out. "you're so cute," he smiled, petting the pup.

win took out his phone and scrolled through instagram. they were mostly celebrities that win had a crush on.

"how about him?" he showed the dog a picture of justin bieber. he could see that wat had furrowed his forehead.

he then showed a picture of his friend ohm, making wat tilt his head in confusion. "how about him?" then a picture of ohm.

wat looked away, raising his paw as his he's trying to cover the picture. "you're so mean, but i love it." win ruffled the dog's hair.

minutes later after their order arrived, they finally left the cafe, walking around for a bit.

they passed by a dog park, making wat jump in joy. "you wanna go in there?" wat barked in happiness. he only smiled as he walked to the entrance of the dog park.

𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 ; 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧.Where stories live. Discover now