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win sighed as his eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the bright light of his room.

what time was it? he asked himself, trying his best to sit up properly. he grabbed his phone from his nightstand, surprised that it was plugged into the charger.

it was 10 in the morning. "who brought me here?" he groaned, standing up, wobbling around a bit.

he exited his room to go to the bathroom, bumping into wat who was on his way to win's room.

"hey buddy," he spoke before walking in the bathroom.

after doing his business, he took a quick bath, feeling gross as he did so much last night. win was still wondering who brought him back.

"was i sleepy or drunk? because i feel like my head is being split open." he muttered under his breath, looking for something to wear. once he was changed into a pair of shorts and a tshirt, he went out for a cup of coffee.

he saw wat in the middle of the room just laying there. win poked the dog with his toe. "you were awake just a second ago," he spoke, blankly looking at the dog. "you okay?"

wat suddenly jumped up, latching onto win's foot. he only shook his head, dragging wat along with him to the kitchen, but his obstacle to the kitchen was soon broken off as there was a knock at his door.

the dog hopped off of his owner's foot, barking at the door.

win went to open the door, almost stumbling back as he saw a familiar face. "bright? what are you doing here?" he spoke, seeing as bright was in his scrubs, one hand in his pockets while the other was holding onto the strap of his backpack along with a gym bag next to him.

"they're decontaminating my clinic because of one of my patients, and my girlfriend and i got in a fight. i didn't want to go to a hotel because they don't allow pets there so i just kinda decided to stop by your place." he sheepishly smiled.

"oh of course! come in, come in." win opened the door further. bright looked to the left, letting out a whistle, tine immediately running towards him. the samoyed didn't waste time to run inside to greet wat.

bright walked in, taking off his shoes. "have you eaten? do you want anything?" win asked, shutting the door. "coffee is fine," replied the other.

"so what happened to you and your girl— if you don't mind me asking," win asked, watching as bright put his bags on the floor where his desk was.

"her and tine don't have a good relationship. she hates him because she thinks i've replaced her with the dog," he sighed, sitting on the bar stool that was infront of the small island in win's kitchen. "and tine doesn't like her even though she's almost at my house everyday. usually by that time, he should be close with her,"

"really? yikes," the other spoke, turning on the coffee maker. "that's why i got surprised when tine didn't try to bite your nose off when you carried him." he laughed,

"and on top of that, one of my patients has severe ticks. one of them got to my nurse and we immediately had to get the place cleaned and decontaminated." said bright, taking his phone out of his scrub pockets.

"well atleast you got to go to work," win huffed, pouting. "don't worry, they'll clear your case." said bright, putting his phone down.

the coffee maker dinged, meaning that the coffee was done brewing. he poured two mugs of coffee, placing one in front of bright. "creamer?" the other shook his head, a small smile on his face. "just some sugar," he replied.

win nodded, openjng the cabinet under the island. he then stood back up, holding four packets of sugar.

"here you go," bright muttered a small thank you, opening one of the packets of sugar. "so how long are you going to stay here- not be rude of anything," win spoke, sipping his coffee after.

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