Chapter 2: First Week

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Nicole's POV

We finally got out of that plane we are finally in Korea. We all ran out and screamed for a taxi.
At the dorm (T2s Dorm)

"Wow it's bigger than the picture!!" Gabbi said

"No duh stupid." Yrah said sarcastically

Those 2 alway gotta argue lol. Anyways their were 5 rooms for 5 of us and of course Yrah played the leader card and Hildy played oldest and coolest of course. And the rest of us just picked any room.

"Of course the first thing we have to do is find a job and 2nd tryout for big entertainment company's" Hildy said

She is the one that kept us focused on the main goal, but she can party whenever she wants.

One Week After

Heather's POV

"I give up we didn't get an answer from any entertainment groups and I'm not going to stay at this stupid job to not be doing our dream!" Yrah shouted at us.

"Hey you know what so we haven't gotten to our dream but at least we are trying and don't forget that we still have BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT were BANGTAN are so at least we should give a try! Do I make my self clear." Gabbi said trying to persuade us.

"Yeah what she said,FIGHTING!" Nicole said with her fist in the air quoting BTS

Honestly I was about to give up all hope when Hildy barged in.

"You guys, you freakin guys I have the best news in the world!" Hildy said

"Then spit it out already or you are going to die of excitement." I said

Yep I was like the Umma of the group (the mom)

"BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT'S BANGTAN is having a video contest to get the newest group for BIG HIT ENTERTAINMENT" Hildy said almost losing her breath.

If you could see all of us we were all wide eyed.
(A/N hi author here you like it comment it share it and just tell me what u think. BYEEEEEE!)

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