Chapter 12:Unpacking

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Me and Gabbi are actually getting along. Maybe we can be friends for real.

We entered our room and their were 2 beds one near the balcony and the other near the window.

Gabbi:"Pick a bed pretty boy."

Again with the pretty boy thing. And we we're getting along.

Jungkook:"I choose the balcony bed know it all."

Gabbi:"Fine with me pretty boy."

And we started to unpack.

Hildy's POV

I'm going to sharing a room with V. The feels right now. But I have to calm down I don't want him to think I'm a crazed fan which I am.

The alien plopped down on the bed and I took the opposite bed.

V:"Hildy are you comfortable living with an alien?"

I giggled

Hildy:"Yeah but are you okay with living with an alien?!"

V:"Yes! From now on only aliens aloud. Deal!"


And we laughed and continued to unpack

Jin's POV

Yeah I'm sharing a room with Nicole. I see her as my dongsaeng.

Nicole:"Pick a bed?"

Jin:"Ladies first"

I smiled

Nicole:"Fine okay"

We laughed about a lot of things and we had some things in common I felt as if we were siblings.

Jin:"Do you like Mario?"

Nicole:"Who doesn't like Mario!?"

Jin:"Yeah that's right."

I was staring at one of my Mario plushies. And since we got along really well and she is like my sister.

Jin:"Here is Mario plushy for my little sister."

I smiled as she took it and hugged the life out of it

Nicole:"Thank you Jin oppa."

She hugged me and we continued to unpack.

Heather's POV

Jimin:"What did Gabbi say earlier?"

Heather:"Ohh nothing important."

Jimin:"Heather tell me I'm not going to laugh."

Awww that sweet but I should tell him.

Heather:"Oh your my bias since day one and I am a major fangirl of you guys so she called me Jimin."

Jimin:"Your lucky I like fangirls."

I blushed as we unpacked.


Yrah immediately plopped herself on a bed and started to listen to American music.

RAPMONSTER:"What's your favorite song?"

Yrah:"Any music it depends on what it means to me."

Rapmonster:"Oh cool can I listen"

Yrah:"Sure why not"

And we spent time listening to music while unpack

And SUGA just slept and J-hope fell asleep too.

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