Chapter 8: Surprise

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Gabbi's POV

We arrived at the Korean barbecue and the girls/T2 got out first then Bangtan followed. I got the feeling that Jungkook didn't like me because when I would I do something funny he didn't react at all all he did was look at me funny. Us T2 didn't know what to get so BTS ordered for us. Everyone was talking except me because I was wondering if Jungkook didn't like me. But my friends got suspicious and kept asking me questions.

Yrah:"Earth to Gabbi hello!"
Gabbi:*confused* "What? oh Hi."
Heather:*concerned*"Gabbi are you okay?"
Gabbi:"Yeah I'm fine why?"
Hildy:"Because you're usually loud and being weird around new people also your not eating."
Gabbi:"Oh I'm fine just thinking of something"
Rapmonster:"Of what?"
Gabbi:"I really don't know guess I got lost in my train of thought. Can I be excused for a moment I need to do something?"

I just left and thought of stuff like what did I do for him not to like me. And I also got a call from an unknown number.

Nicole's POV

Rapmonster:"Why did she just walk out is she not comfortable?"
*silence* Until Nicole the shy one responded

Nicole:"She is just worried or thinking out loud she tends to walk out in these kind of situations."
Jungkook:"What do you mean these kind of situations isn't this your guys first time actually getting to knowing us?"
Nicole:"Of course but when she feels awkward she justs walks out but she'll come back."

I understood why Gabbi would do that was because she would stay with me and Hildy and just rehears with us.

*Gabbi walks in and takes her seat*

Gabbi:"Hi everyone sorry for walking out."
J-hope:"It's alright just one question do you feel awkward around us?"
Gabbi:"Well no not really I just didn't know how to say something because you guys might get mad."
Heather:"What did you break?"
Gabbi:"I didn't break anything this time!"
Jungkook:"She is as clumsy as you Rapmon hyung hahahaha"

They all laughed and so did Gabbi

Gabbi:"It's just that their manager called me and told me something."
Jungkook:"What is it?!"
Gabbi:"We all have to pack since the contest meant training for us and your training us we all have to share a dorm or house.
Jungkook:"Are you tricking us again?"
Gabbi:"Hey I only trick people if I just met you or your really close to me so no I'm not tricking you."
(A/N SURPRISE Alien attack jk but surprise hope you liked it and should I make another BTS book or no anyway BYEEEEEE!)

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