Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


~A month and a half later, so like mid-October~

            I was sitting in the most uncomfortable room ever. I was sitting in the waiting room of the ObGyn. Brooklyn was calmly reading a magazine and I  was sweating bullets. All these eyes on me like I just shot somebody. I didn’t purposely mean to get her pregnant.  I should be at football practice right now. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I took it out to see I got a text message from Cassie. Hshe had sent me a picture of her laying on Darien chest while he sleeps next to one of her laying on my chest while I slept.

Me: You take good side hoe pictures.

Cassie: Never been a side hoe.

Me: You was once.

Cassie: Barely, where you at big head?

Me: Im busy, where you at?

Cassie: Im at Darien house and he fell asleep on me.

Me: Then wake him up, since that is bae.

Cassie: We were up all night on facetime and this is his first time falling asleep since Thursday night.

Me: Your fault, but im busy ill talk to you later.

            I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at Brooklyn who was trying to look at my text messages.

Me: Do you not trust me?

Brooklyn: Are you and Cassie sneeking around behind my f**king back because I will fight her so fast.

Me: No, and you will not fight nobody. 

Brooklyn: Are you lying to me?

Me: What do I have to lie for?

Brooklyn: I don’t know.

            We got called to the back and she was laying on the bed and they rubbed a gel on her belly. A picture popped up on the monitor.

Dr. Peterson: There go your baby.

Me: For real?

Dr. Peterson: Yeah there is a baby in there. We will set up another appointment for next month.

            I grabbed Brooklyn hand and kissed it. She looked at me and smiled.


            I got bored so I started tracing Darien’s tattoo on his chest. He moved opened his eyes and wrapped his arm around me.

Darien: Baby go to sleep I know your tired.

Me:*yawning* I am not tired.

Darien: Ill stay up with you until you fall asleep.

            I looked into his eyes. He kissed me and smiled. I felt like I was some where else when I was with him.

Darien: Baby, im tired go to sleep.

            I snuggled my head into him we looked into each other eyes until we both went to sleep.


            I took Brooklyn to lunch.

Brooklyn: So when are we going to tell your mom?

Me: We can tell her today.

Brooklyn: I don’t know what im going to do about school.

Me: Its up to you.

Brooklyn: You right, but how do I kow none of the hoes going to try to be on you while im being homeschooled?

Me: Why don’t you trust me?

Brooklyn: I trust you just not these little hoes.

Me: So you telling me you don’t trust Cassie, but if yall was cool she would’ve been the first to tell.

Brooklyn: She coming slick off her mouth.

Me: No you are, she only snap back when there is stuff to snap back to.

Brooklyn: You acting like she aint start acting brand new when she got with Darien.

Me: She honestly didn’t I think that you and Cassie should be friends again, because she is one of my bestfriends and youre my girlfriend and yall need to get along.

Brooklyn: Ok ill talk to her after we talk to your mom because yall live next door to each other.

Me: She at Darien house.

Brooklyn: How you know?

            I went on instagram and showed her the picture she posted of her and Darien sleeping.

Me: That’s Darien Bull cover.

            She nodded. I put my hand on her belly.


~3 hours later~

            It was hot in Darien room. I got up and turned on the fan and took of his basketball shorts. I got back in bed with him and he wrapped his arms around me and then ran his hands up my legs.

Darien: You lucky im tired.

Me: Oh really?

Darien: Yeah.

            My phone started ringing and I bent over the edge of the bed to get it out my bag. Darien had my waist and I came back up and answered.

Me: Hey Mia.

Mia: I see you with Bae today, you spent the night?

Me: No I got here in the morning its just a chill day with us don’t want to spend no money or look cute.

Mia: Yall look cute all cuddled up on ig, ill stop ruining yall moment.

Me: Ill slide by on the way home.

Mia: Cool.

            I hung up. I guess I pushed back because he pushed me a little away.

Me: Have fun with the lotion and righty.

            He groaned and walked into the bathroom.I ended up doxing back off before he walked out the locker room. I felt him kiss me on my head before her got back in the bed.

            That’s chapter 5, I needed to give yall a chapter to show yall their lives besides Cheating on other people. no error check this chapter sorry for the mistakes


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