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Perrie's p.o.v. (point of view)

  Today, me and my mum move to another house. We will live with my mum's new boyfriend. Mum always has boyfriends , but this is the first time we move to somewhere else to live with him.
  My parents separated 3 years ago , when I was thirteen. It was a tough period for me. My dad moved from our house to live with his girlfriend. My mum was crying all the time. It was awful.
  A few months later, my mum started to find new boyfriends. She was bringing them home and they were sleeping in my mum's bedroom. To be honest, they weren't sleeping. I was so angry with my mum, because I was thinking that she did not respect me. I was trying to deal with my parent's separation and it was so difficult for me. I hated that every time I was trying to sleep , I was hearing the loud noises , which was coming from her bedroom.
  My mum's new boyfriend is separated from his wife and he has a daughter called Jade. Jade is really beautiful. I first met her yesterday, when we went for dinner with them. She looks so cute and I like her. I think she is really pretty and funny too.
  Even though I have a really good opinion about Jade, I don't like her dad. Maybe the reason why this happens is because he dates my mum.
  M(mum):So, Perrie, you have to be really fast. They are waiting us to arrive there. George called me a few minutes ago.
P(Perrie):Ok, mum. I am coming...
  I don't want to go there. I don't want to live in the same house with somebody who I don't know.
  I am crying when we are leaving from our house. I have been there since when I was 3 years old. I love this house. I have so many memories in here.
  M:Perrie, you should be happy. Our new house will be better than that.
  We get in our car and my mum starts driving. I look outside the window as we go away from our house.
M:Don't worry baby!!! A better life starts now. George's hospitality is really special. And you will have a new sister.
P:Nothing can replace our family and George can't replace dad.
  We arrive at George's house. I am really unhappy. I hate my life. I want my previous life. I mean that nothing can replace my life three years ago.
  We ring the bell and George opens the door.
G(George):Hey, girls!!! You are here!!!
He says and then he kisses my mum's lips.
G:How are you, Perrie?
P:I don't think I am so good.
P:What do you think?
P:Sorry, mum...
G:Don't worry! It is difficult for a teenager to deal with stressful situations.
  We get in the house and George shouts Jade.
G:Jade, baby, come here to see who came to our house!!!
J(Jade):I am coming daddy. Hello, Susan!!!
M:Hi, sweetheart!!!
J:Hi, Perrie!!!
  We are in the house all day until the evening.
G:So, girls, do you want to watch a movie all together?
M:What movie?
G:I would like the girls to choose.
J:Sorry, daddy, but can me and Perrie go to our bedroom and leave you and Susan there to watch tv?
G:Only if Perrie agrees with this.
P:Yeah. Of course.
  I choose to go with Jade, because she is the only person who can calm me now. We go to our bedroom and we sit on our beds.
J:So, what are we going to do now?
P:Are you really able to have fun now?
J:Yes, why?
P:You smile all day. How can you? Don't get me wrong, but it is really weird... I don't like your dad so much. I think the reason why I don't like him is because he dates me mum.
J:Don't worry, I understand you. It is really annoying watching your dad with an other woman, who is not your mum. On the other hand, I am happy for him. When he first broke up with my mum, my dad was really depressed. Really sad. He was crying every night. I had never seen him like that again.
  Then, they followed some minutes full of silence. We just stared at each other. Afterwards, Jade talked to me.
J:Perrie, I really trust you. That's why I want to tell you my biggest secret. Something that nobody else knows.
P:Ok, you can tell me.
J:So.... I... I am... I am a...
J:I am a.... I want to say that I like girls. And the worst of all is that I am in love with you.... I swear that I will never make you do anything that you don't want. I know that you are straight, but I wanted you to know that I like you. Are you ok with that?
P:Yes, of course, I am ok. You make me so happy!!!
J:But, how?
P:Jade... I am in love with you too.
J:So, will you be my girlfriend?
P:Sure! But, what about our parents?
J:You are not my sister. We have not the same mother. And not the same father. We are just to girls free to live their life. You are my step-sister and I am in love with you. I don't care about what other's say. I am yours.
P:Of course, Jade, you are all mine!

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