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Jade's p.o.v. (point of view)

  Boxing is my passion. I love it since when I was a little child. It is an extremely nice sport, ideal to keep yourself fit, and ,also, it is a really interesting way to train yourself.
   But, the real reason why I love it, is because my dad was obsessed with it. He always loved to do it and he had won a couple of metals for that. All these before this terrible accident. He had a car accident and he lost his left hand. Since then he has not done this sport again. It is like when he lost his hand, he lost his strength too.
  The only thing that pleases him now is watching me , instead of him, boxing. He always comes to the match when I have a battle and he seems like he really enjoys it.
  Today, I am going to meet my new trainer. She is called Perrie Edwards. She is one of the most famous trainers in the country. But, also, difficult to deal with her exercise programme.
  I walk into the place where I practice every day. I see her. Oh god... I am going to melt. She is super.
P(Perrie):Goodmorning! You must know me, as I know you!
J:Yeah, miss Perrie! And I am so excited I will work with you.
P:First of all, don't call me miss Perrie. Just Perrie. Secondly, you SHOULD feel great that you are going to work with me!!!! Finally, if you want to work with me, you should be patient and you should work a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT.
  What a selfish! I can't work with her. It will be horrible. She is hot, but savage. Very savage! And I can't handle people who are like that.
P:So, let's start!!!
  A few hour later, after an unlimited exercise programme, I take a break. I have never been so tired again.
J:Can we stop now?
P:What did you dare to say? Ten minutes for punishment.
J:I can't!
P:You can't! Professional boxers are unstoppable!! They should be like that. Instead they should not call themselves boxers. Work now!
  After all these hours, we finish in the afternoon. I go to the room to change clothes. I am so sweat!
  Suddenly, the door opens and Perrie comes inside. I quickly cover my shirtless body.
J:Can you please turn your back and allow me to wear a t-shirt?
  She turns her back and I turn mine too to find a t-shirt to wear. I suddenly feel kisses on my neck.
J:Miss Perrie?
P:I told you. Don't call me that.
J:Perrie... What... What are you doing?
P:I just kiss you!
J:But, why?
P:I like you a lot.
J:What? Me?
J:The savage professional trainer is in love with the innocent and newcomer athlete. What a romantic story!
P:You sound very ironically! What wouldn't it be real?
J:Because, it is very fantastic to be real.
P:I can tell you that if you give me a chance, I can prove that I am the best lover in the world.
J:I will give you the chance. What if you lost?
P:I won't make you do such an exhausting programme.
J:Ok. It's a deal!

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