Step #9 - How to Stabilize Your Lucidity

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My first taste of lucidity was an INCREDIBLE experience - yet the dream itself collapsed after about 30 seconds. I woke up stunned... elated... and kicking myself I didn't make it last longer!

I made the rookie mistake of getting excited and running around in the virtual dreamscape, telling complete strangers that I was lucid dreaming.

I got completely caught up in the moment and squandered the opportunity. (There was, at least, more of it to come in the years to follow...)

This is all too common among beginners. But there is a simple way to avoid it happening to you.

Today's lesson demonstrates how to stabilize your lucidity for a longer, more intense and more fulfilling first lucid dream... and many more lucid dreams to come.

Getting Started

When you have that breakthrough moment of lucidity, the following tips will help you to:

Keep your cool and stay grounded in the dream (no waking up)Heighten your lucidity (producing the most intense lucid dreams) Gain full dream control (so you can do whatever you want)

Here's what to do the next time you realize you're dreaming:

1. Stay calm

Don't run around telling everyone you're dreaming. Just get a grip on what's happening and calmly observe your environment for a few moments.

2. Rubs your hands together

The movement stimulates the conscious brain and keeps you focused on your dream body (rather than your real body asleep in bed).

3. Look at your hands

Focus on your hands close-up and notice the finer details which aren't normally present in a dream. This produces greater self-awareness.

4. Do a reality check

Push your hand into a solid object and expect it to go through, while asking "Am I dreaming?" This cements your self-awareness in the dream.

5. Demand "Clarity now!"

Tell your dream you want more clarity and your mind will respond instantly by creating a more vivid environment.

Final Thoughts

These stabilization tips work great for me personally - every time I lucid dream.

Write them down and visualize yourself performing them in your next lucid dream, so that they are easy to remember at the next crucial moment of lucidity. Like every step in this app, the techniques only work if you actually DO them in practice!

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