Step #7 - Dream Herbs

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In today's society, we love to pop a pill for an instant fix.

Many of us are just too busy to spend the time exercising our minds and bodies, to become healthier, smarter, sexier and all-round better versions of ourselves.

So we seek the easy solution: diet pills, pain killers, energy supplements, muscle builders...
But does such a thing exist for lucid dreaming?

Technically, no... If there was, everyone would have access to instant and effortless lucid dreaming.

So what, then, do lucid dream herbs and pills actually do?

Today you're going to discover the true benefits - and side effects - of lucid dream herbs and pills, so you can decide if and how you want to use them on your lucidity quest.

Types of Dream Herbs

There are many natural supplements that can measurably increase your:

Dream intensity (vividness, realism and tangibility)Dream awareness (capacity for conscious thought and sense of self)Dream recall (level of detail in waking memory)

Some of the most popular dream supplements are:

Calea ZacatechichiSilene CapensisMugwortGalantamineCholine

However, achieving a highly meaningful or intense dream does not directly equate to lucidity. So they are not guaranteed "lucid dream pills".

For instance, let's say you are practicing lucidity techniques regularly. Taking a dream pill can often induce a lucid dream, because you were already reaching out for one.

However, if a non-lucid dreamer takes a dream herb, the result is often different. They will experience a night of highly vivid and memorable dreams with intricate plots - but not necessarily anything with true lucidity.

So, dream herbs can deliver spectacularly meaningful dreams in their own right - and I do actually recommend experimenting with them just to see what the human mind is capable of. There's a big wow-factor with many dream herbs.

But there is a distinction to be made between dream-enhancing pills (which exist) and lucid dreaming pills (which, technically, do not).

Getting Started

Today I'll highlight one particular dream supplement which has had a major impact on me.

Calea Zacatechichi is widely known as THE dream herb and has been used by Mexican shamans for thousands of years. It has been widely demonstrated to increase your dream recall (even if you never remember your dreams) and give you intensely vivid and meaningful dreams.

Calea Z, as it's also known, has given me both lucid and non-lucid dreams. All of them were intense, compelling, and long-lasting.

My favorite such dream involved living as another person in an advanced alien civilization. I felt like I lived there for years, in the way an epic movie can tell the stories of generations. It was awe-inspiring to live in their future world which I still feel lives on in me today.

When I woke up, I couldn't believe it had all been "just a dream".

If you choose to experiment with dream herbs, I recommend Calea Z as a good starting point. Arena Ethnobotanicals is an online store that sells the dry extract internationally.

You can drink Calea leaf as a tea but the taste is awful. I mean REALLY awful.

Instead, many people prefer to pack the extract into empty gel capsules (available from any drugstore or Amazon) and take 1-2 capsules at least halfway through the night for maximum REM interaction.

Do this while performing the lucid dreaming techniques described in this course, and you can significantly boost your chances of having an amazing lucid dream.

Side Effects

There is a misconception that if something is "natural" then it is automatically good for you.

Heroin is derived from a naturally-occurring opiate. Cocaine comes from the Coca plant. Magic mushrooms grow in the ground. Yet they can all have negative side effects.

So bear in mind when you're taking any dream herb that it is physically altering your brain chemistry and may have side effects on your mind and body.

Like any vitamin or nutritional supplement, herbs like Calea Zacatechichi may (in rare cases) cause an allergic reaction. To be safe, take a very minor amount in advance to check for any side effects.

Final Thoughts

I hope I busted some myths about dream herbs today.

They don't guarantee lucid dreams for anyone - but they can be great fun and even enlightening when taken sensibly and sporadically. A couple of times per month is my personal limit.

And, when coupled with your lucid dreaming training, they can lead to some intense lucid dreams. It's pretty special when that happens...

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