birthday surprise

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~months later~

It's been 3 months since the awardings of the 3rd quarter exam and now it's the 4th quarter finals. Chase, Jorge, Addison and I hang out more often and we became close friends. But of course my best friends are still Heather and Haven.

"Hey, someone said in Jorge's class that Jorge was absent for a week" Heather gossiped.

I'm worried sick for him, again. But this time, he didn't answer his calls, he didn't answer his pager. Nothing.

Days have passed and I saw him in the principal's office. I have to talk to him.
When he left the office, his face looked like he was beaten up.

"Jorge, why were you absent during the finals?" I asked obvious that I was concerned.

He didn't answer avoiding eye contact with me.

"Why did you fight again? We had a deal remember?" I said

"It's none of your business, they wanted to fight so I fought back" He said still not making any eye contact to me.

"I-I can't believe you. I don't want to talk to you ever again!" I shouted before I stormed out.

When a girl says nothing's wrong, something is wrong. I'm fine means she's not fine. But when we say "I don't want to talk to you anymore" doesn't mean she hates you, but instead she cares for you, very much.

I was on my way home until I saw the Kim Seokjin cardboard cutout outside my house. I was expecting to see Jorge but it was Chase.

"Happy Birthday in advanced!" Chase whispered trying to not make any noise.

"Thank you" I said a little bit dissapointed.

"Jorge planned all this out, he had other plans but he didn't forget about your birthday, when you see him tomorrow, thank him" Chase said.

"And also this, don't listen to it until you finished your entrance exam in La Salle." Chase added giving me a tape.

"Oh thanks" I said getting the tape.

After that, Chase left and I ended up hugging the cutout of Jin <3

~the next day~

It's my birthday! (March 20) and my friends and I are thinking where we should eat after going skating. I saw Jorge waiting by my classroom.

"Lillie look, it's Jorge. He's probably waiting for you. Go to him, Happy Birthday!" Heather and Haven teased me as I went outside my classroom.

I wanted to talk to him in private so I grabbed his wrist and we ran to the rooftop while the girls in my classroom were screaming.

"Umm thank you about the gift last night" I said.

"You're welcome. Also happy birthday!" He greeted.

"Thank you" I said

"What did you w-" I said before someone interrupted me.

"Jorge, were you waiting for me by the classroom?" Addison said

"S-so you came for Addison. Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked.

"I'm dating her. She told me she likes me, after days of courting. She finally agreed."
Jorge announced

"Oh congratulations, I helped you chase her for so long." I said lightly hitting his shoulder.

"Now you have Chase all to you now" Jorge said.

"Yep, Chase. The guy I wanted to be with in the first place." I said as it started to rain.

"It's raining, we should go now" Addison said holding up her umbrella.

"Oh it's raining I should get going now." I said running with my notebook on my head.

"Come join us" Jorge said.

"No thank you it's okay, im fine" I said trying to hold back tears.

Right as soon as I lost sight of everyone I let out all of my feelings, I was crying my eyes out for a while until lunch, and that's when I went back to class.

"Hey! It said that Kim Seokjin is dating someone!" Heather said holding a newspaper.

"What? That can't be true, it must be a rumor" Haven doubted.

We wish to date our idols but in reality they belong to someone else. Like our first love, we can't beat girls like Addison.

~next week~

I went to school early and I saw Addison crying with Vivian comforting her.

"Don't cry. It's not your fault he's going abroad and besides, you shouldn't trust someone who separates noodles and sesame dressing." Vivian said.

I immediately dropped my bag to my desk and tried to find Jorge. I checked the rooftop, the café, nothing. I checked his classroom and there was nothing on his desk. I just cried there while his friends were comforting me. He...left?

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