Part 0: Declaration of War.

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It was the time. A lonesome, rather small Kobold with two small wings, fit for a small creature like she, a rather intriguing stick which acted as focus for her spells and the basics for what can be considered something to dress, steps up what could be considered a stool in the middle of a plaza, thousands of kobolds were rounded up in this plaza, each having some kind of weapon they made themselves: spears, javelins, shortswords, shortbows and rarely bows were the common weapons for weak creatures as them.

"Everyone present, listen to me!" She starts speaking, she had prepared for this. She saw this day coming from a few days and had prepared herself for speaking, and yet... There were so many Kobolds in the plaza, one could consider their numbers worrisome.

"My name is Nao, some may know me as Dragon as I, have the Eyes of Dragon." She shouts for everyone in the plaza to hear, she knew Kobolds weren't stupid, no, to say that much would require them to have been given the opportunity to learn. But she couldn't risk ignorance, for everyone to be in a different page during such a serious moment could be dangerous for everyone involved. She had to set the grounds for such an event, she had been taught where they were not, and now it was time for her to pay back in full price.

"I was born to lead the Kobolds out of the mines, out of the caves that kept them deep within, to bring you all to success!" She states, a few cheers already emitting from the crowd, Kobolds have always been bold and such big words were scaring some, but it was her time to pick up the scared ones and make them into fighters

"I have won once! A human settlement has been won over by me and a selected few! We have created this town and another and that's because this is only the beginning! We're so big calling us a tribe doesn't give us favor, we're a NATION!" She shouts, emphasizing the last words, kobolds understand what they want to understand, but emphasize on something and they'll catch the drift.

"And it is today, that I call all of you to war! We shall break through humanoid lines, destroy the opposition and win all the GOLD and LAND that we were never given because of our 'inferiority', something made up to fool you! Humans think we're stupid but I disagree! Who's with me?!" She shouts once again, antagonizing the enemy always works with Kobolds, promising shiny things made everyone excited, her too. The crowd bursting in cheers and chants of her name, a cult by now had formed and was in golden days under such a leader, she didn't mind though.

Title Obtained: Leader of the Kobolds (Level 1)
Condition: Become a popular figure amongst Kobolds, someone they can rely on. Kobolds are a lot more willing to follow your command, some might even start a religion around you. Gain the favor of more Kobolds to upgrade this ability.
+10 Physical Strenght when acting with Kobolds. (Unable due to Curse of Creina)
+20 Agility when acting with Kobolds.  (Partially affected by Curse of Creina, 10 agility given when standards are met.) 
+10 Mental Strenght when acting with Kobolds. (Affected positively by Blessing of Ilia, 20 Mental Strenght given when standards are met.)
+5 All stats to Kobold following your lead.

A game-like pop up appears in front of her, no one else seeing it because of her special ability. She smiles, closing the tab as she steps down ('This will be an incredible help.') She thinks, looking up to the sage near her, he had given his all to her, coming to rescue her and teaching her to read and more. But unluckily today was his last day on this planet.

"I'll miss you, Sage." The Chosen One says to the Sage, she had gotten affected to him, considering him some kind of parent figure by now, but alas, nothing she could do can cure his problem, both of them knew it.

"I will look on you from above Miss Dragon. I know the prophecy is true, you are the Chosen One, we just need to believe in you." The old Kobold says, smiling as well, despite his soon doom. "I shall now leave, a city is not my place of rest. Please, fulfill the prophecy. I know you can." He finishes saying to the winged, smaller kobold. Her eyes a bit luminescent, tears that she doesn't want to shed are piling up as she looks on as the elder moves into the forest, dissapearing from sight. She was all alone now, having just declared a full on war against human kind... Or not. She had all of those Kobolds besides her in such a huge plaza.

Right, she wasn't alone. In fact, she had just gained the best allies she could hope for. Her newfound family starts now. The Kobold turns to the plaza, to see all of the Kobolds still cheering from the news she gave them, she was so absorbed in the moment with her master she had barely noticed. A scaled paw coming up to her face, to wipe away the tears in her eyes.

('How did I even get here? To lead such a huge army into this world I barely know? Well, the only right thing would be to look at the past... I was born in a cave, south of here...') She thinks, starting to recollect her story, her memory going through it as it was happening now, her remembering all the emotions...

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