Chapter 2

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I'm gonna go die in a hole now, thanks. I just ran into Spencer Lee, aka Taylor's Enemy No. 1. My literal competition on and off the field. Our school doesn't separate boy races from girl races, believing that "racing together will create a much more unified process of how the world goes."

Haha buddy, nobody buys that crap anymore. Not since the 1980's.

I pushed myself away from him, giving him an annoyed look as he smirked. "Not much of a difference since the last time I saw you, huh?" Spencer grinned. As if on cue, my mind flashed to the practice on Friday, remembering that I tripped over him during the 40 meter dash.

"... I mean, I know I'm irresistible, but quit falling for me..." He gave me his best grin, the one that made me want to punch him straight into those pearly whites. I scowled him, not even bothering to be polite and stalked off without another word.

I walked towards American Eagle, my head a swirling mess of thoughts. The nerve of some people! Thinking he was irresistible, hah! As irresistible as hitting a cockroach. But I guess to some girls, the stereotypical American playboy look must make their adrenaline rush. Even Tanner looks better!

My eyes scanned the store, looking for Sam. There, I spotted her walking out, one arm slung around my brother's shoulders. If I do say so, they look adorable together. Sam was wearing a navy sweatshirt that fell off one shoulder, paired with white, ripped skinny-jeans. Her braided hair was held into a high ponytail by a gold scrunchie. The exact opposite to Tanner's skin-kissed skin and brown hair.

"Sup bitch!" she yelled at me, grabbing me in a hug. I flung my arms around her, sticking out my tongue to Tanner. "She loves me more. Bet she didn't give you a better greeting."

"Well little sis, I'd tell you how she greeted me if I wasn't so sure you'd gag." Tanner smirked, tugging on Sam's hand. He pried her off me, while I mocked throwing up. She laughed, linking one arm with me while holding my brother's hand. "Nadia's meeting us at Split Beans."

I dragged Sam, eager to meet my friend and my favorite cafe. Nadia knew my regular and would have it ready for me, with all its delicious chocolatey goodness. "I swear you two, if my whipped hot chocolate gets cold just because you guys want to be coupley, YOU WILL PAY!" I glared at those two and their PDA. Honestly, I would be jealous, but there's enough people lusting after at least one of them.

After I managed to pull them towards the shop I searched the overcrowded cafe for a scarf. Nadia grinned at me as I dragged a chair towards her. As usual, her scarf was fashionably arranged, this time a dove gray. In front of her were two whipped hot chocolates and a plate of chocolate croissants.

"You are a freaking angel!" I managed to say after shoving a warm, gooey pastry in my mouth. Nadia is a lifesaver. She's the type of friend who always has a bottle of water for you after a track meet or rocky road after a break-up.

Nadia's muslim, not that it matters. She's an amazing artist and a great soccer player. Not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. Her golden skin nary a blemish and had such sharp cheekbones, they could be sold as weapons. Add that to the brightest green eyes, small waist and long legs and you have Nadia Suleyman.

She laughed, grinning at me. She gestured towards two empty chairs, seated beside each other. "Sit down, lovebirds. I had a hunch he'd be with you." She said to Tanner and Sam, who were standing awkwardly in front of us. " You guys want a drink or something?" subtly nudging the croissants towards Tanner, who was looking at them eagerly.

"Yes please!" He dug in. God, he could at least attempt to be civilized.

"You know people eat with napkins and try to avoid death by choking?" Sam teased, ruffling Tanner's hair. "Must be a family trait." she said, while accepting Tanner's mumbled apology by pecking his cheek.

Nadia started looking for someone. She gave a megawatt smile and waved towards a handsome boy with red hair." Hey Cal, can you get those two an iced coffee and another plate of croissants please? On me of course" pulling the charm card out.

He seemed to melt a bit. "Sure Nadia. How about a free refill on that too?" He nodded to my now-empty mug. Not that Nad did free.

"Sure, thanks Cal!" giving him the same smile. As he walked away, she looked at me with a deadpan stare. "What?"

Tanner grinned. "Didn't peg you for a user, Nadia." She glared at him with narrowed eyes while Sam elbowed him in the ribs. All three of them have a history that none of them feel like sharing.

"Not a user, Tanning Bed, just friendly with the servers here." she leaned back in her chair, giving him a challenging stare. Just as quickly as the boy appeared, Cal came back, this time holding a tray of goodness and my drink. Nadia gave him a genuine grin. " Thanks Cal. Can you get me the check though? Me and my friend are gonna leave before these two." she nodded towards Sam and Tanning.

"Already got you covered." Cal pulled out the check. "Come back soon though." he told her before leaving our table. Nadia pulled out her pen and wallet. I looked over her shoulder, and YIKES. Our meal was costly, which was one of the downsides of Split Beans.

"Can I volunteer some cash?" I asked her, but she shook her head. That's Nadia. She's generous to a fault, and will never let you even touch the bill. But when I saw how much she was tipping Cal, I was shocked. 500 dollars for a 150 dollar meal. "Don't you think that's too much, Nad?"

"Nope." she gritted her teeth and grabbed her purse. She stopped and gave me her most innocent grin, which meant the exact opposite. "C'mon, you and I have some stores to hit. I already asked your mom if you could come over."

And just like that, Nadia switched from having a halo to gaining bat wings and hellfire.

Sorry for short chapters but I'm managing this as well as doing online school because of stupid COVID-19.

Leave a comment if you like where the story's going or if you suggestions in general

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