He drives me to my moms house. I've wished to come to my moms for forever. I knock on the door and she opens the door. She hugs me with excitement. Of course her new boyfriend was living here. I did not like him at all or anyone she's dated for that matter. She is really good at picking bad guys to date. I have a brother, his dad has abused my mom for thirteen years. She just got out of a divorce with him and already moving on to another abusive boyfriend. They haven't even been dating that long and he's already beat the hell out of her. I gave him dirty looks. She begged me to give him a chance and I refuse.
I carry my things in and spend time with my boyfriend. I introduce him to my mom. Spending time with him was just the best thing. The longer I stayed here with my mom the more my mom showed the real side of her. A couple months after I moved in she started picking on me. She grounded me for the most stupidest things ever. I know that she was just trying to show off in front of her boyfriend. He told her what to do and she would listen. He would always say that I needed to be disciplined for talking back to her. Which I admit I did have attitude towards her but when she asks me to clean the whole house by myself I'm gonna have attitude.
My mom and her boyfriend don't clean at all. They work and sleep. They will always complain that I don't do anything. I really thought it would be good living here. It's better than my dads but it's still bad. I thought she would understand but I learned that she don't care about anyone but herself. She started to call me names all the time and scream at me. She is acting just like my father and I can't handle it. I get nightmares and flashbacks of my dad hitting me. From screaming to crying in my sleep to yelling. I told her I was having nightmares.
My mom ignored me. She ignored anything I tried to tell her. She didn't care what I had to say. She liked to control me now that I was living with her. She constantly talked shit about my boyfriend but then would turn around and say she liked him. It made absolutely no sense at all. One day she started talking shit about him with her boyfriend and I snapped on both of them. I've had enough. Dominic was better than anyone I have ever dated. I was not gonna let them talk down on him. I called him and told him every time they talked shit about him. He would get so pissed that he would start making comments to them back. He has every right to do so.
I just absolutely adore him. He gets so pissed off when my mom is rude to me. He cares deeply about me. Right now we are about to hit one year together and I can't believe it. We have been through the toughest times together but he has never given up on me. I've done things that I'm not proud of at all and it's hurt him so bad. That hurt me doing those things to him but I know that he loves me and he never gave up. I will never give up as well. He means the absolute world to me. We always get through the toughest times. The only problem is that we barely get to see each other. It hurts both of us. Our parents are complicated and complain about driving so far but it's only forty Mins away. Not even an hour.
We never let anything get between us, not even distance. We are so powerful, we always remind each other everyday how much we mean to each other. I can't live without him. He offered to send me food because my mom and her boyfriend eats all the food in the house and I can never eat anything. I'm losing weight and it's making me really sad. I'm glad I have him because just calling him everyday makes me the happiest. I'm so in love with him and I could care less what's going on in this world. I can't wait to move out and start a future with him.
Saved by him
Novela JuvenilA girl named joslyn meets her soulmate. The love of her life but there are some difficulties down the road...will they be able to handle it together? Will joslyn have to save her boyfriend? Or will she have to be saved. ⚠️ Warning ⚠️: HAVE TO BE 17...