chapter 31

128 17 5

Still Anisa's pov

"Oya I'm waiting" i said gesturing him to speak

He sighed sadly and began

"Oyinda was married to me a year after pablo was born, months later she was pregnant with you we started having issues, we started arguing a lot that was when she started distancing herself from me. In the process she found Islam and her husband. She had promised to marry him after she divorced me it was all part of their plan.
She seduced me to make me sign the divorce papers leaving pablo with me and fleeing with you and her husband. When i realized everything she was long gone but i vowed to take revenge and also bring you back to me" He finished

I was speechless

My mother did all this ?

We were just in silence

I was digesting everything bit by bit

"Why did pablo kill my mom?" I suddenly asked

"I trained pablo to be hard and heartless, to despise his mother so much that he can be capable of killing her" He replied

"This was all part of your plan"

"Indeed it was and since i now  have you with me, you can now witness the execution of your 'dad' " he said with a hint of mockery

"No you cant please don't" i plead rubbing my palms together

It's time to take revenge on Mustapha Mahmoud" He said icily

"Please I'll do what ever you want just don't kill him" i persisted

"My dear chioma you can't come in between me and my greatest enemy" he spat grabbing my chin harshly and then pushing me to the floor

Khalid where are you ?


Khalid's pov

"We have an insider who is willing to help us in return for a lot of money" Richard said

"Are you sure he can be trusted" i asked rubbing my temples together

"Yes, he can be trusted" he replied firmly

It's  been six hours since Anisa's disappearance and we were now   thinking of a plan to rescue her and her father

And so far we were making progress

"Let me call him to  confirm if  she is really there" Richard said fishing out his phone from his pocket

"Hello, Santiago" Richard said over the phone

He soon put it on speaker so that everyone in the room can hear

"Is Mrs Anisa Mahmoud Ali at your warehouse currently" Richard asked

"Yes infact she is talking with our boss right now" he replied in a strong spanish accent

"We are going to execute mr Mahmoud tomorrow" he continued

"I will give you the entrance to the warehouse once you pay me the money" he concluded

"Okay, how much" i asked bringing tht phone close to my face

"15 thousand dollars" he replied

"Okay, I'll transfer 7000 now"

"Okay just hurry up" he replied rudely finally hunging up

After that we planned everything perfectly and InshAllah they will be with us in hours

I just pray this plan doesn't backfire

Anis just hold on tight we are coming to get you


"I need to call my husband" i muttered flaty to the bastard that unfortunately happened to be my father

I was already in a cell screaming  and yelling for them to let me go

"Offcourse chioma" he replied extending the phone to me

I pray he picks up


"Anisa is that you?" he asked in disbelief

"No its chioma" I replied sarcastically

"Oh shit are you okay?, we are on our way just wait right where you are, did they touch you" He asked

"No Alhamdulilah (thank God) they didn't"

"Khalid I'm sorry for disobeying you, i shouldn't have come to italy with you i was just to stubborn to admit it. This is exactly what you were trying to avoid" i sobbed into the phone cleaning the catarr from my nose

"Anisa things happen for areason okay don't worry we are almost there" He replied

"Give the phone to that bastard" He instructed

"Give the phone to your boss" I said giving the strange man guarding my cell

He collected the phone and went to the end of the warehouse

They was no one in sight and I had to think of a way to get out of here and fast

I remembered khalid's instruction

"Stay where you are,we are coming to get you"

I'm going to listen to him this time and all I can do now is pray and wait


Salamualaykum and Good day my dear readers

I just want to clear some confusion for those who may be confused
Oyinda is Anisa's mom's yoruba name
Anisa's mom is a  revert
Anisa's father is an igbo man
Chioma is Anisa's igbo name
Hope i have cleared the confusion
You can ask more questions if you are still confused
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Until next time

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