Chapter 7

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Anisa's POV

"And done" sawda said finishing the last touches of my makeup

"I still can't over the fact that you are getting married in a few hours" sawda said as a tear slipped from her eyes

"I'll miss you" sawda said hugging me

"Me too but you'll come and visit right" i said

knock knock

"Come in"

"Its time to go to the masjid" mum said

"Okay" i said carrying this heavy dress

Getting down from the car with of course sawda's help,we entered the masjid to start the nikkah

The imam gave a short speech and finally called the groom and bride

finally after 20 good minutes

The imam asked

"Anisa do you want to marry Khalid"

I look over to my parents and back at Khalid and reply with a yes

He did the same to Khalid and replied with a yes and we signed the papers and I was now a married woman

Wow it feels weird saying that

Khalid and i hopped in a very classy car and headed to the reception

After a lot of hugs and kisses from everyone,the MC decided the newlyweds should have their first dance

Seriously i think i gonna puke Khalid and i should hold hands and dance

wonders shall never end

We started dancing to perfect by Ed Shareen

He put his hand on my waist looked deeply into my eyes to make people think we are in love

But definitely there will be no love

I will make Khalid hates me so much that he will divorce me and I'm not gonna rest till then never.

After the dance it was time for me to leave my parents and go to my husband's house

"Take care" mum said
"Okay bye mum and dad" i said
I know people will think i am stupid for missing my parents because they literally forced me into this but their still my parents I can hate them.

Now off to his house


Do you think Anisa will fulfill he promise hope not

I know the wedding was kinda boring but don't  worry more action coming up
Comment below tell me ya think
Until next update

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