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My alarm goes off at 5:30 as always every morning, I have to get up to go make breakfast for the whole pack since I am an omega ever since the day my parents were killed by rouges when we were out by the lake during a picnic day while my brother JEFFERY (JEFF FOR SHORT) was at school being trained to be the next BETA in another state, since I would miss my brother so much my parents would take me out for a picnic or to get ice cream after I got home from going to school. I got to the kitchen and started to cook breakfast, I decided to make eggs, bacon, toast and pancakes as well as coffee and fresh squeezed orange juice by the time I finished it was 7:15 and I ran up stairs to start and get ready for school. That's the only thing I'm allowed to do because Allison who is my best friend and the alpha's sister asked them to let me go with her so she could have someone to keep her company, although I knew she was going it because we were best friends since we were in diapers.

I went to Allison's room and knocked before opening the door and going inside, she was finishing getting ready since she is always the last one to wake up. I helped her do her hair while she finished doing her make up, once we finished we headed out and into her car making our way to school.

"So when we get out of school we are going dress shopping for our birthday" Allison said
"Its your birthday party not mine Allison I don't need a dress beside I have to go home and make lunch for the pack" I said
"I already told mom and dad that we were going dress shopping and that they needed someone to make lunch and dinner because I didn't know how long we are going to be out" she said
"You know that I'm going to be yelled at for this right" I said
"I want them to try and do something" she said

We got to school and we went to our lockers which were one next to the other, we got our book and went to our first class and we sat on our seats talking while we waited for the teacher to come in and start the class, when the teacher got in the class everyone went quiet and the teacher started the class. We went to all of our classes and it was the some thing for all our classes, when lunch came around we headed to the cafeteria to get our lunch. Once we got to the cafeteria we went and got in line to get our food, we got our lunch and headed to the far end of the cafeteria and ate our lunch while we did our homework so we wouldn't need to do it when we got home from dress shopping. When we had finished most of our homework we got up and threw our trash away and headed to the bleachers to finish the homework since we had free period, we finished the homework and decided to watch the football team practice while talking before we had to go to our last period.

The bell rang letting us know that it was time to go to our next class, we were heading to our next class when some of the boys from the football team started to say bad things about me that made me feel bad but like always Allison had my back. I don't know what I would do without her she has been there for me in the good times and on the bad times, although I sometimes tell her that someday she won't have to worry about me which she always says that only time will tell. After school we went out to the mall and went to all the stores until we found one that had really pretty dresses, a lady came up to us and asked if she could help us and Allison told her we were looking for a two very pretty and sexy dresses for our birthday. The lady right away started to go through racks and racks of dresses picking a few out, she gave us the dresses and went to try them on, I went first and tried all the dresses until I ended with putting on a black dress with red details on it with a v cut on the neck while the dress went half way down to my thigh and Allison said that this was my dress. She went in after I came out and she ended up getting a dress almost as similar to mine but hers was light blue with crystals everywhere, after getting our dresses we went to get something to eat before we continued to shop for everything we still needed.

By the time we got home it was really late so we ended having a sleep over, we put our dresses in her closet because we didn't want anyone doing something to my dress. Tomorrow was the party and I was going to have and get up even earlier to get everything ready for Allison's party, the next morning I got up at 4:30 and went down stairs to start the breakfast and start getting the food ready for the party but when I got there Allison's mom was there doing everything I was supposed to do. She told me that I was to go with Allison to where ever she went and do as she told me to do, when I asked her about the food she said that she had it under control and that I shouldn't worry about it shooing me back to Allison's room until she woke up which wasn't long after I got back in the room. We showered and left in her car to get our hair, nails and makeup done before going home and finish getting ready for the party which is in just seven hours away.

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