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It's been eighteen years since I jumped off the cliff which I survived because Lily my wolf took over and as soon as we hit the tree line we shifted into my wolf landing on all fours, when I looked in to the river I saw that I was half white half black with the jing jang symbol on my face. I then grabbed my duffle bag and we started to run all the way to Washington DC where my grandparents house was, I changed into my human form and put some clothing on before unlocking the door and walked in. Now here I am in my office looking through some papers for our pack, yes I started my own pack when several lone wolves came up to me and we agreed to start the Free Woods Star Pack. We are one of the strongest packs in all the United States, I had twin boys who will be turning eighteen this week, Alex will become the alpha of the pack while Axel will become his beta.

I have been keeping tabs on my old pack, Maggie who is like a daughter to me resulted being mates with Jack who knows that I'm alive since the day that he came to ask my blessing to take Maggie back to Midnight Moon Pack with him which I gave making him promise me that he was going to take good care of her and not say anything about me being alive, which he did and till this day he has kept my secret also letting me know that they have been having a lot of rouge attacks. Allison and Jeff have had three kids their oldest is a boy, after him they had twin girls who are a hand full for what I have been told. Both Alex and Axel know about my past but not all the truth, they know who their father is and why I left but I made sure they don't hate their father or uncle for it since I have forgave them both along time ago.

I was in the office when I heard a knock on the door and then my boys came in with a very worried look on their faces, they have never looked at me like this before which worried me some what. They took a seat in front of me and waited for me to finish the paper work, once I was done we heard another knock and Alex got up and opened the door to reveal Jack and Maggie, when they came in a saw the same worried look on their faces and I knew that what ever it was that they were going to tell me wasn't something I would like.

"What is it" I asked

"Paty I don't know how to tell you this" Jack said

"Jack what is it" I asked

"We have been getting several rouge attacks since they found out that Johnny's mate, meaning you died years ago and they are trying to take the pack from him" he said

"Momma he asked us to come and ask you to help him stop the rouges, he has built two pack houses so all the pack can go and stay their until the rouges back off" Maggie said

"Besides we got a call from the council saying that we all have to go back to our birth packs and those who are lone wolves can go to what ever pack will take them in" Alex said

"So that means I have no choice do I" I said

"We are really sorry mom but no" Axel said

"Fine will go back but before we do Alex you will take over the pack with Axel as your beta understood" I said

"Yes mam" they both said

That night we did the ceremony where I passed the alpha title to Alex and made Axel his beta, we had a small party for the pack which made me happy. Jack spent all night giving me all the details about the attacks that they have been having, for what I have gathered Johnny has been doing everything he can to keep the back safe, I told him to call him and let him know we would be there within the next two days and that I suggested to keep everybody as close to the pack house as possible as well as surrounding it with the strongest fighters giving them four hour turns between them all until we got there.

The next day we were all ready packed at we started to head towards the Midnight Moon Pack where I had promised never to go back too, we stopped at one of our restaurants and we all ate when Jack became stiff and was looking towards another table when I heard someone clear their throat and as I turned I saw Johnny's parents looking at me in shock after they had composed themselves we made room in our table so they could seat and we talked until we were done and continued on our way this time with Johnny's parents also with us once they heard we were heading to their lands to help out with the rouges and because of the council's order of everybody going back to their birth pack. They also called their pack and told them to have everything ready for our arrival, before they hung up they said that the council had called and said that they were going to be there as well but they didn't want to say why although we already knew why.

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