Chapter 7

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Stampys POV

When sqaishey kissed me I kissed her back. "I love you too" and I kissed her again

Sqaisheys POV

I saw stampy put a tweet on on twitter saying 'watching the amazing lion king with sqaishey' and a couple of minutes later he laughed at a comment someone called iballisticsquid said I dunno what tho

Squids POV

I was just checking twitter when I saw something stampy tweeted saying that he was seeing the lion king at the theatre with someone called sqaishey. I looked at her account and she said the same and looked at a pic of her and she is extremely pretty but I would never say that to stampys face. Anyway I tweeted 'you dont have to kiss on your first date. Take your time darling simba wont judge' Because I knew something must be going on between them

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