Chapter 10

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Stampys POV

"Will you marry me?" I asked. Her mouth dropped and she started jumping up and down screaming "YES YES YES! I LOVE YOU!" When she stopped she kissed me and we both laughed.

Sqaisheys POV

I never thought he was going to propose. I thought he was going to break up with me because he sounded so serious. But no he proposed. I obviously said yes because he is the love of my life. So me and stampy were engaged. The engagement ring was beautiful. It was silver with a diamond shaped into a heart ontop (and yes it is a real diamond). Im going to be mrs stampy cat!

Squids POV

Stampy put on twitter that him and sqaishey were engaged and he asked me to be best man! I knew about him and sqaishey being a couple but ive only known for a few months but they must have been dating for much longer to be getting married! Anyway I said yes to stampy and he was thrilled.

Nettys POV

I was on twitter and I saw stampy put a tweet saying that him and sqaishey were engaged. Then sqaishey sent me a tweet asking if I would be her maid of honour and if amy would be her other bridesmaid! I was thrilled about them getting married since they've been dating for so long. I replied saying yes from me and soon later amy replied saying yes. Sqaishey then replied saying that she was thrilled and thanked us for being her bridesmaids

Amys POV

Sqaishey said that her and stampy were getting married. I had a crush on stampy but I was still happy for them. Sqaishey also asked if I would be her bridesmaid with netty. I had never been a bridesmaid before but I always really wanted to so I said did netty. She replied back thanking us and saying she was thrilled.

Mummy duckies POV

I was making lunch when sqaishey my beautiful girl texted me saying that her and stampy were getting married. I texted back saying I was so happy for them. Then she asked me something I didnt want to answer...

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