Chapter 19

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Stampys POV
We warily walked to the door and saw a silhouette of a man. Sqaishey stoped dead in her tracks and started breathing heavily. "Sqaishey whats wrong?" "Its ex..he is going to kill us". I walked closer to the door ready to attack and opened it. I charged and started punching the man. I heard sqaishey yell "Stampy stop!" And then heard the man say "ow...ow...stamps what are you doing? " It was squid. I stopped and said "oh sorry...thoughy you were. .." sqaishey glared at me signaling not to tell squid so I said "....someone else. How do you know where we live" "long story.. anyway I need to ask you something" "what?" "I want to propose to Nicole but I dont know how" nicole was squids girlfriend and she is very pretty and kind. "You could have a big Christmas party since its almost Christmas and invite loads of people and then do it at a good point in the night" "thanks mate I knew you could help"

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