Chapter 11 - Ventures of a Fallen Knight

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"Rewinding lo-..."
"No. Log. Available."

"Commencing. Data. Assessment."





Four years ago, inside the silver-haired woman's room...

The sun rises in the morning. A silver-haired woman in her 20s is still comfortably sleeping on her bed, tucked in and hugging a pillow. When minutes later, a knock comes on her door by her mother outside.

"......Felicia! Felicia! " a voice of a woman spoke behind the closed door. Felicia flinches her closed eyes and hears her mom calling for her.

" Hmm. Wha-what is it, mom? " Felicia responded while rubbing her eyes.

" Hurry up now! You're getting late for school! "

" Hrrgnnn. Five more minutes, mom." Felicia, going back to sleep.

" Get up now! A young man is waiting for you outside! "

Felicia's drowsiness fades away as she heard her mother. She quickly opens her eyes wide awake and hurriedly looks at the window. Outside of her house, she sees a young brown-haired boy the same age as her.

" See? Your 'boyfriend' is waiting for you. Fufufu. " her mother said as she opened the door and checked with Felicia.

" MOOOM! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER? " with a blush on Felicia's cheeks and hurriedly prepares herself to go to school.

" I tried. You're just sleepy-headed. "

Felicia hurries up. She took a shower for just thirty seconds. Wore her underwear and school uniform in just two minutes. She picked a slice of bread as her breakfast.

" I'm going now, mom! "

" Take care hon'. " the mother waved goodbye to Felicia. Felicia exits the house and greets the boy that was waiting for her.

" Hehe. What took you so long? " said the young boy to Felicia.

" Shu-shut up! I, I was on the way! really didn't oversleep because of your love lette- " Felicia then quickly stopped and closed her mouth with her hands.

" Hmm? Love letter? " he said.

"I-IT'S NOTHING! COME ON WE'RE LATE! " as Felicia blushes and runs.

" AH! Wait for me! "

The two then ran towards their school.




Lunch break...

Inside their classroom, Felicia, on her chair, is about to eat her lunch. Then a bunch of her friends approaches her with a smile.

" Hey hey! " as one of Felicia's friends comes to talk to her.

" Hmm, what is it? "

" *smiles* I know you're dating [ERROR! Male.Name.Not.Found.]. Don't try to hide it from me. " with a wide grin on her face.


" Yiieeee. Oh, you know how handsome he is. Many of the girls are proposing to him but got rejected and yet, you are the only one who is really close to him. It's natural that everyone will think that you two are really dating." said the other friend.

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