Chapter 15 - Big Brown Riding Hoods

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"Recording log..."

"Week 1"
"0750 hrs."
"Almeda Border Fort 7"
"Almeda Kingdom Border"




Arriving at the Knight Fort, two caravans go inside the fort with some of the awaiting knights lined up in formation to meet with the guests inside the caravans. As the caravans stopped, six nobles dressed in red vests and coats, exit out of the caravan. The knights salute them with rigid attention. The nobles observe the area and were disgusted by the filthy fort covered with mud and dust.

"Yuck! What the fuck is this place?" an ugly tall noble closed his nose.

"Haha. Pathetic! Is this where the mighty Almeda Knights are stationed?" another noble with a fat belly bulging out of his coat, said.

"Argh. Come on! I don't want to stay in this fucking shit-place! Let's go inside the captain's office. I think he's waiting for us now there." another noble said to his fellow nobles. Along the way, they constantly avoid in disgust dirty paths and areas, while the knights that were watching them, curse their infuriating appearances and acts.



The nobles arrive at the office of the knight captain who is in charge of the knight fort. The knight captain welcomes them inside the room, taking their seats. As he sits on a comfy chair seemingly arranged by the knight captain himself in a hurry, a noble flicks up his finger and a shadow appeared behind him, making a portal for a strange black-cloaked man. The cloaked man stands behind the noble who flicked his fingers and seemingly said whispers something close to the noble's ear.

"I-I see. I assume you've finally found your new "package", Count Damillo? " the knight captain said with an eerie smile. As the cloaked man finishes his report to the count, the count smiles and laughs loudly.

"HAHAHA! Nice....."

"Do I continue observing her?" the cloaked man said to Count Damillo. Count Damillo is a gray-haired man in his 50s, with a goatee mustache.

"Hahaha. You do that. Keep us in touch and make sure that she is in fine shape before we go there."

"Understood." the cloaked man said as he vanishes back into the shadows. The other nobles, with smug expressions all over their faces, drool as they imagine and plan their perverted schemes into their new "package".

"Hehe. I can't wait to cut off her both legs and fuck with them!" a noble wickedly cheered.

"Now now. Let's be fair. Don't get the feet. I will make better use of them." another noble cheered. 

"Come to think of it, you already have your way with her before right? The mother of a single daughter named..hmm. What was her daughter's name again?" a noble asked Count Damillo. The Count stands up and looks out the window, licking his lips.

"..Felicia Rodburg. And her mother is out there, oblivious of her own wretched fate. Oh, I waited for this chance to get my vengeance on them! After this, her daughter will be the next on the list...." the Count said in a malicious voice and smiled, and the nobles cheer while the knight captain prepare their plan for their departure towards Felicia's mother.

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