Damsels in distress

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I walk around the town, watching the people of New Orleans. Witches stand outside their shops,  proselytizing to the innocent humans walking around. I laugh as the humans make fun of what they think to be fake.

I walk into a bar and sigh as I escape the hotness. The bartender tells me I can find myself a seat so I thank her and walk up to the bar. A younger girl then walks over to me and starts taking my order.

"Bourbon on the rocks, love." I say. "A little early for the day drinking don't you think?" I laugh and she smiles. "Well, I've gotten some bad news. Family drama, you know the usual, abusive father comes back from the dead and tries to kill you and your siblings. Nothing out of the normal." I say. I get a look from one of the other patrons three stools over, but I ignore them.

"You're a Mikaelson?" She asks. I nod. Great. My siblings have already made a name for ourselves. "You're brother.. he's a bit of a jerk." She says and I smirk. "That's the understatement of the millennia, darling." She smiles.

"Sophie." She tells me after a few comfortable minutes pass between the two of us. "Tanya." I respond. Her face drops. "You're the other hybrid." I nod with a sigh.

After an hour or so of comfortable then uncomfortable conversations with the young Sophie Deveraux, I lay down a hundred and take my leave.

As I'm walking out of the door, a darker patron come son. I nod off to him and he does the same.


I walk up to the cemetery, which branches off from the square, and take a sigh. This graveyard is now witches territory. When my family and I reigned here, it was for all supernatural creatures. We were all at peace with one another. Then my father came through and ruined everything. Now that Marcellus is "in charge", this is the only place the witches have to themselves. It is their holy land.

I hear a scream come from within the tombs and I stop. I look to see who the victim is, but I see nothing. I then hear grunting as well, and I call out. "Who's there." I hear whispers and the young girls screaming stops.

"Listen, witches, if you want me to help this girl I need permission to go in." I say aloud. Nothing happens, so I speak again. "You know me. I helped all of you. Now let me help this little girl. Let me in. She needs me." I hear light whispers and smirk. "Come in." They all yell at me once in agreement.

I feel the barrier riffle as I walk through, and feel all of the spirits watch me closely.

The screaming starts again, so I assume the monsters think me gone. I make my way through the cemetery, the spirts guiding me.

I walk to the biggest tomb and open it. I see a young girl strapped to a table with two older women doing their witchy things around her.

"Hey!" I call out. The two older women look at me, and I immediately recognize one of them. "Genevieve." I whisper. I shudder at the name. She is the one who brought a downfall to my family. I vamp speed towards her and grab her by the throat. I hold onto her then throw the other woman into a spike, killing her. I grab a dagger and drive it into Genevieves stomach, which then digs into the wall. I won't kill her. Not yet.

I let the red headed wrench stand there, gagging on her own blood, and walk over to the young girl strapped down. "Come here, love." I say aloud. I unstrap her and pick her up bridal style. She clings to me and I walk out of the cemetery. I hear whispers from the sanctuary and realize they are thanking me.

I go to a hotel room and call Sophie Deveraux after she gave me her number at the diner.

I need your help. I have a young girl with me. She was being hurt by some witches in the tombs.
How'd you get in there? It's sacred ground?
Darling, there are some things that even you don't know about your coven. Now come to the Boulevard hotel, I'm not sure what to do with the girl. I was hoping you could take her back to your house.
Okay. I'm on my way.

I hang up the phone and look at the girl. She currently sleeps on the bed. Her blonde hair spills over her shoulders, her face sullen from the torture she must have endured.

There's a knock on the door. There's no way Sophie got here that fast. I grab a dagger and open and hesitantly walk towards it.

I open it and gasp.

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