Welcome To The Yogscast.

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I couldn't help but gaze at his perfectly sculpted face, this must have been quite weird for Trott. he has just met some random er and she has first parked in his place and is now staring at his face! he must have thought I was a stalker or something. after what seamed like years he finally cut the somewhat conversation and said quite quickly

"well it was nice to meet you but if I stay any longer I'm going to be late for my meeting with the rest of the crew, so I'll see you around".

He gave a slight wave before walking off towards a large door. I watched as he faded away into the distance. once he was out of sight my heart dropped like a tone of bricks. I sighed and checked my car was locked before picking up my handbag and walking towards the door Trott had earlier walked to. The door had a key pad on it and a button I assumed the button was for calling someone somewhat like a door bell. I looked in my bag for the letter which Lewis has sent to me to confirm my job application and scanned though it to see if he had mentioned anything about the code to the door. But nope nothing I scratched my head and waited a few minuets until I could see someone coming from the distance. They were quite tall and they had dark hair I squinted to see more clearly of the facial features to find out it was Lewis. He walked up to me with a puzzled expression on his face

"No mean to sound rude but you are?..."

he said

"Oh m-me?"

I stumbled I couldn't believe I was actually talking to THE Lewis of THE Yogscast 

"I'm Morgan"


"The new girl hear"

it must have hit him quite quickly because after that he remembered exactly who I was

"Ah yes Morgan right this wa.. I know this sounds stupid but your gonna have to show me some I.D first"

I rummaged in my handbag and I preyed I had put my passport in it. Thankfully I had I whipped it out and handed it to Lewis. He scanned through it and held it up against my face his eyed darted back and forth between the picture and my face until he handed the passport back. He opened the door and with a grin he said in an excited tone

"welcome to the Yogscast".

The story of TrottWhere stories live. Discover now