A Big White Room.

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Authors Notes

Wow guys 100 views thanks guys I'm really great full so for 100 views merry Christmas even though I know its late and happy new year have a good one XD

Lewis opened the door and held out a hand as if to say you go first. I strolled through the door closely followed by him and took a moment to admire the room.

"Right we have a lot to do today: first I need to show you your office, then you need to set up your furniture, I can get some of the boys to help you with that, then you need to set up our computers and decorate you office however you like, but first you need to meet everybody".

Lewis started to walk down a long corridor towards a lift he cast out a hand and flicked his wrist towards him and said

"This way"

I walked at quite a quick pace to get to him before the lift did. By the time I had got to the lift I was quite out of breath despite the fact I had only run about five footsteps. I stood aside Lewis and there was an eerie silence, but the dinging of the lift soon brought that to a halt. I stepped into the lift with Lewis and the doors shut tight. All of a sudden a song started to play in the lift. I recognized it but I couldn't figure out what it was, when the lyrics started I remembered exactly what it was. It was diggy diggy hole. I hummed along and it brought a smile to my face I looked at Lewis with a confident smile but he gave me a serious look as if I was a miss behaving school child on a field trip. The song stopped quite abruptly mid chorus and the lift pinged once again and the doors slid open. Lewis gave me a quick tour of the building showing me every nook and cranny of each floor. As he was showing me everyone’s room I began to wonder where everyone was, I didn’t dare ask so I just kept walking along. Lewis finally showed me the hat films room and then pointed to a door opposite. He then opened it and said softly

“This is your room, so make the most of it”.

I walked into the room but there wasn’t much to look at. It was a fairly large room with white walls and a large window. I walked towards the window and looked at the view, it was beautiful. Suddenly an alarm startled me. I glanced at Lewis and it turns out the alarm had come from him he explained that it was to remind him about the staff meeting, his expression changed completely he rushed me out of the room and down the corridor into what looked like a boardroom. The room had a long table and chairs dotted around it. Lewis took his seat at the far end of the table and told me to wait outside. I had a quick glance through the window of the door and saw all of the members of the yogscast. My breathing started to get faster and faster I glanced to the left of where Hannah was and there was Trott. I gave a slight wave but he didn’t notice me. Lewis opened the meeting with a confident smile and started to explain about the increase in views this month it was quite boring. Then he started to talk about a new member of yogscast he explained her name was Morgan and I immediately snapped out of my lovely faze. I looked at my reflection to check my hair was ok, just in time for when Lewis signalled for me to come in. I opened the door and stood aside Lewis.

“So everybody”

he said

“This is Morgan and she is the latest member of the yogscast family. She is in the room opposite the hat films boys and I hope that everybody makes her feel welcome. Now I need someone to help her set up her equipment and help her to choose furniture, does anyone want to volunteer?”

Lewis looked across the room at everyone individually hoping someone would step forward, when Trott said

“I’ll help her”

Ross and Smith started to snigger and imitate kissing noises but Lewis gave them a glair which soon stopped them. Lewis signalled the end of the meeting and everyone left the room and headed to their own rooms. I walked of closely followed by the hat films boys and went into my room. After a mere few seconds there was a knock at the door. I called and said

“Its open”

and a small head with a brown long fringe popped through and said

“So are you ready to go and buy some furniture for your room?”

“Oh um ok”

I didn’t expect to leave so early but I was ok with it. We started to walk towards the lift and Trott pressed the button to call the lift. When it arrived we both stepped in at the same time. The doors shut behind us and once again there was an eerie silence there was something about this lift.

“So um can I ask you question Trott?”

I asked

“Oh um sure what’s on you mind?”

“I was wondering why out of all of the people in the room why did you offer to help me?”

“Oh... um hehe”

he said while rubbing the back of his neck

“Well um you seemed a nice person from when we met this morning and I suppose I wanted to get to know you better”

once he said that my hear fluttered. He wanted to know me better did this mean he liked me?

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