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I'm standing at your doorstep like


You've been giving your heart out;

To lost causes who wants some lover to

save and unfold them.

Isn't it about time someone did same

for you?

I know how hard it must be;

To hold back the beautiful sea of feeling

inside you.

Without a sailor who will fight for you,

Who will never abadon you.

You don't have to explain; to someone

who has the same view

Who will never blame you for being

yourself or try to tame you.

Because I hear the freedom in your

Harmonious music and it's not like

anyone else.

I only want to celebrate all that you


Get to know your story and trace you

in the dark.

With finger tips and wispered bliss;

Eyeball to eyeball;

A sacred kiss;

Unhurried and giving;

There is no Magic in just surviving.

Let's start living really;

You've been holding back too long;

The melody of your soul song;

The brilliance they couldn't see;

I see the fire in you;

And it's burning in me;

Burning away all that isn't Gold.

My hands are open and wanting;

Wanting to hold;

To hold your hands;

To show you I understand;

You saw a world that is; and it made

you cry.

That beautiful world is shining inside


I do not lie, when I say you can do


Anything you dare to do.

I'm admiring your song;

Waiting to hear your truth;

I'm tearing up the map;

The map of what is known;

And I want to get lost with you;

I just want to get lost with you.

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