Chapter 6

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Hey! :D Soooooooo yeah. READ ON! :D




Well that hug was weird. But somehow, it felt kind of.......... good. WHAT! EWWW! Steph! He's your enemy! That was just a friendly hug, nothing more. 

To be honest, I think the sleepover might be so awkward. I mean the only people that I know really well who are coming are Marianne, Harry and well Zayn. But I am willing to make some new friends. They seem nice. 

I acutally havent had a sleepover since I was 3. I think I'm going to suck at hosting. Its a good thing that I have help from Zayn. I noticed that he's nicer to me and actually listens to me now. I didnt really expect that but that was nice of him. I have to admit that this was nice of Zayn. Him helping me with something wasn't really my first thought. 


(Day of the Sleepover) 

I fixed up a little since I didnt want them to think that I dont take care for my house or something. I prepared some snacks for us to eat and also some movies to watch. They'll be here any minute now and I have to look presentable for Lou- I mean them. 

The doorbell rang and I hurried to open the door. As I opened it, I saw 6 people ready with their sleeping stuff.

"Hey Steph!" They said. All exept Zayn. He was just at the back laughing. It was because I was blushing so much becuase Louis was there. That jerk. 

"Hi! Come in you guys." I escorted them. "So, make yourselves comfortable." 

They were all settling down when I dragged Marianne to the kitchen. 

"Marianne! What do I do next? I dont know how to host these things!" I whispered in a frustrated manner.

"Its ok. I'm actually proud of  you for doing this. Who knew you can be a Sleepover thrower?" She laughed. 

"You just made me sound lame. Anyway! What should I do? Should I let them watch a movie or something" I asked. 

"Yeah. But let them agree on something first." She suggested. 

"Okay, Lets do this!" I said. 


"So guys. Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked them. 

"Sure!" They said. 

"Which?" I asked again. 

"Toy Story!" 

"Love Actually!" 

"Finding Nemo!" 


"I dont know." 


"Ok.........." I said. "Can we all just agree on one thing?" 

"What do you have?" They asked. 

"How about The Notebook?" I asked. 

"WHAT! A chick flick?" Zayn complained. 

"I dont know mate. I kinda, honestly love that movie... uhm." Louis said. 

I smiled at him. OHMYGOSH HE'S SO CUTE.

"Yeah let's watch that one!" The other boys said. Exept Zayn, again. 

"The crowd has spoken Zayn." I stuck my tongue out. 

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