Chapter 6: Love story

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It's been one week since Edward told to everyone that they were getting married.
Sadly, he was still feeling Awkward around the woman that was laying next to him, who were Still asleep.
He sighed ' I Guess we can Say that... She is my girlfriend.... Since we are not married yet'
Actually there were only 7 month left before he could call her his wife.
Even if she didn't seemed mad anymore, weirdly spend the week smilling and being nice with him, he felt terribly guilty about how he made her feel for two years.
'Maybe I should prove her I can be a good husband ! I mean I can try...'
He thought, as his sight ended up on the room's bookshelf.
He went closer to it and picked a book, it seemed to be a sort of romantic novel.
He opened it at random page, and started to read.

-Hmm... Breakfast in bed is romantic...? He thought out loud as he was turning himself to check of Winry was Still sleeping.
He closed the Book and took it with him to the kitchen.
He opened the fridge and took some eggs.
'Okay. Now I face another problem. I never cooked a single time in my life.'
He took a frying pan, lit up the gas stove, and put the frying pan on it.
-Shouldn't be too complicated, right....?
He whispered to himself , while he was breaking an egg on the Edge of the frying pan and let the inside fall into the hot pan.
-This seems to easy , something tells me I am doing things wrong eh...
He started to seriously doubt his cooking skills ( And he should).
He picked the salt and start to shake it over the egg, maybe a bit too hard since it fell open into the frying pan.
He took the pan and shaked it over the sink to make all the salt fell into the sink.
Then , he picked some dishes and struggled putting the egg in it since it was stuck in the frying pan.
-Fuck !
He tried to pick it with his fingers.
Ouch ! This burn ! Ah yeah right now My right hand is back to be flesh eh... Automails had few good sides...
He finally picked a fork and used to scratch the said egg in the frying pan.
-Okay. This .... Seem... To be ready right ?
Now, coffee !
He take a cup of water, and put some coffee next to it, clap his hands and....
-And... Ah right. I can't use it anymore...
He sighed.
Well, I guess water Will be fine....?

He take the plate and the cup of Water, and went upstair.
He used his foot to push the room's door since his hands were full.

Winry was sitting on the bed, yawning.
-Ed why does it smell like something  was burnt... What is in your hand? She asked, confused.
-Well.... Here is breakfast?
He answered, not really confident.
-Breakfast? This?
She started to worry. She couldn't even identify what was in the plate.
He got closer to her and gave her the plate and the cup of water.
She took a bite of what was supposed to be an egg.
-disgusting. Way too salty. And burnt on top of that.
And.... Why did you brought me water?
She asked.
-Hydrating yourself in the morning is important for you body and---
She cut him:
-You failed the coffee too, right?

She sighed.
-Why didn't you asked me to make the breakfast? She sounded a bit annoyed but actually, she appreciated that at least he tried.
-I... just wanted.... To try ... You know....
He clumsily tried to explain.
-Okay okay, Come downstairs with me I Will make a Real breakfast.
She said while going outside the room.
He followed her.

She opened the fridge, took some eggs, and then turn herself to the gas stove and witness what could look like a crime scene.
-Why is the sink full of salt? Why is there this frying pan full of burnt egg? And what.... Is that ?
She asked while taking the Book that was on the edge of the sink.
Wait, this is My Book...? Since when you read Love stories?!
Wait... The breakfast... Don't tell me...
She let fall her sight to the page of the open Book, that comfirmed her theory.
You tried to reproduce that scene...?
-Hmm No Only took some inspirations, I mean...
He was looking away, blush all over his face.
Winry heavily sighed, put the book down and got closer to him, grabbed his chin with her two fingers and forced him to look her into the eyes.
-You're dumb. I told you it's not something you are going to learn into books. Stupid bookworm.  She Said in a harsh tone, she sounded mad.
-uh... I'm sorry....
He looked at his feets.
I only wanted to make you happy... For once... And again... I failed and only made you mad... Sorry ...
He sighed, and then mumbled:
I'm going to be a terrible husband...
-Shut up ! Don't even dare to say that ever again ! I don't Care about your cooking skills and... Actually... Thanks for trying to do something that could make me happy. It's already enough to make me happy, actually. She Said, and pressed her lips against his for a short time (way too short in Ed's opinion).
-Then if it makes you happy, I Guess this is alright ....
He answered, scratching his head in embarassment.
-But please Edward, stay away from the kitchen now, okay?
He nodded:
-I promise.

She finally made them an edible breakfast, and then they ate it.
-Hey Ed.... By the way...
She started to ask in a worried tone.
-Yesh? He answered his mouth full.
-You're not going to go I don't know where after we got married, right....?
She was nervously playing in her food.
He looked away:
- Not during a such long Time. Maybe I Will Still Travel a bit here and there but...
I promise I won't leave you alone for a such long Time anymore.
He stood up, grabbed his hand and looked right throught her eyes.
I promise Winry.
- I believe you.(she stood up too) Of course I am not asking you to Always stay there with me but... At least a little.... Just a little bit, okay?
She sit back.
-But maybe we should finish eating ahah...
-Hm yes of course sorry. He came back to his seat and finished eating.

After eating, Edward put the dishes in the sink.
-Ed, hmm could I take a look at your leg?
He look confused at the mechanic:
-wait, why?
-It make a weird and unsual sound, and it became worse since two days. Did you put oil like I told you? She asked, ready to scold him.
-No... I may have forgot to do it...
He answered, looking away.
-Come with me to the workshop.
She Said grabbing his hand and pulling him to her workshop.

-Sit there. She harshly Said pointing the chair.
Edward sat, while letting out a small groan and mumbling some stuff, while crossing His arms.
She started to look at the leg,  and inside of it.
-Ed, I Will have to take it off to fix it, sorry.
-It's okay don't worry--
Eh ! You could ask before pulling out my Leg !
-But I warned you. She answered with Edward's metal leg in her hands. She stood and took it at her desk.
And by the way, it's my automail because I made it.
The alchemy freak repeated her last sentence in a silly tone with a ridiculously high pitched voice.
-Shut up pipsqueak ! She yelled at him.
-what the hell did you said?! I am taller than you now !
- Yeah and it took you around twenty years to become taller than your wife--
Hm well childhood friend.
She heavily blushed and prayed  that he didn't noticed what she just said.
He somehow manage to stand up and jumped on one leg next to her, and looked at her with a proud smile.
-What did you just Said...? He asked in a teasing tone.
-Nothing ! Fuck off or you'll stay with only one leg for the rest of your life.
She yelled at him, trying to not look at him and blushing even more.
-hmm you know it's no Big deal, I Still can go to another mechanic... You know I can to central and...
She let her screwdriver fall onto the desk, and turn toward him:
-What the fuck did you just said Edward Elric? You would cheat on me?!
-Eeh calm down ( he grab her shoulders) I never Said I would Kiss her or that it would be a woman to begin with, just that I could Still go to someone else for my leg.
- It's worse ! She yelled as she threw His hands away from her shoulders, and turned herself back to her desk.
- Eh... Honey don't be mad at me--
He put an hand on his mouth as he realized what came from there.
-what? She turned herself back to face him. How did you called me?
-Liar ! She yelled again.
- Ho.....ney.....? I... Accidentally--
She cut him off :
- Accidentally?! So it means you didn't even think it ?!
- No No honey wait ! I just don't want you to be mad at me that's all I---
He clumsily was trying to explain himself (and certainly trying to save His life by the way)
- Too late ! I'm mad.  She looked away from him, crossing her arms.
- then... Can I do something so you won't be mad anymore?
-Really...? He wrapped His arms around her waist, pulled her against him and put his head on her shoulder.
She heavily blushed:
-N-no , Nothing... She looked at her feet, actually she didn't wanted the hug to stop but it would hurt her ego to admit that, yes, he found a way to make her not mad anymore.
He put her hair away to leave her neck naked, left a soft kiss there.
A shiver ran down her spine.
-Since when Y-you're on the romantic side, uh? She asked.
-I don't know, it was pretty instinctive to be honest...
-You see it's not something you learn in books.  She Said softly has she turned toward him.
-Yeah... Maybe you're right...
- Not maybe, I'm right.
She pressed her lips against his.
Go back on you chair, I will finish fixing your automail !
Author's note:
Hey ! I know it's been a while since the last update and I am really sorry hihi.  'u'
I know nothing crazy is going on in this Chapter, but I just like seeing thoses two arguing ahah. And I really wanted to put a scene of winry fixing Ed's automail. And Also it help to Bring them closer to each other !

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