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I have watched her grow from the time that she first stepped her tiny feet into my grey classroom. She was so small, fragile even. It was her first day at secondary school and the fear rolled off of her and straight into me, knocking me senseless. Even then she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. I have watched her grow these past years, only speaking to her when necessary. Sometimes I speak to her to harshly because I don’t want her fellow students discover my illegal feelings towards her. If she ever whispers in her neighbour’s ear I scold her too loudly and every one snickers behind their hands. She always blushes a deep shade of red but it makes her even more stunning.

The first time I saw her she had brown curly hair that stopped above her shoulder. Her bright brown eyes took in everything around her whilst she bit her bottom lip between her slightly crooked teeth. Her skin was an even shade of bronze that displayed no blemishes and her pink plump lips were covered in what I presumed to be a cheap lip gloss that she had plastered on in hopes of making herself popular amongst the teenagers.  She was shorter than, not that she had grown much throughout the years but she had grown those few inches that meant, if I was allowed too, I could sit my chin on top of her head without having to bend my knees.

Over my time of teaching her I have seen the changes. Her body has grown from being a young girl to being the most beautiful young woman just waiting to blossom into a full grown lady. She acquired braces in her second year making her smile that little bit brighter, her waist curved in below her small bust, it never seemed to grow but it suited her small frame. She became tanner and her brown hair continued to grow. It now falls below her breasts in the most exquisite loose curls.

These changes in her have me palming myself below my desk while the students copy notes from their textbooks. They never suspect anything because I always keep quiet and make sure that I keep a neutral face. If they knew that I was pleasuring myself thinking about one of their fellow students they would be mortified and I would lose my job of seven years at this school.

I almost slipped one time when I couldn’t stop my hand. I was disconnected from my brain and all rational thoughts. She just kept temping me and making me harder. She kept leaning on her desk a little bit too far and I could see right down her white tank top. Her small breasts were covered with a simple white bra. She looked like the perfect virgin. Ready for me to take her innocence. I continued to rub myself as she held a pencil between her plump lips. I slipped my hand into my tight jeans and gripped my throbbing length within my hand. I stroked myself several times, but when my thumb swiped over my tip I let out a throaty moan. All the students looked up towards my desk that is situated at the front of the room. I quickly retracted my hand and started coughing, not my best attempt at a cover up but it seemed to do the trick because all of their eyes focused back onto their work that was surely wrong or incomplete.

That day I promised that I wouldn’t touch myself within the classroom again. I kept my promise for exactly one month. I wouldn’t look at her unless she asked a question or interrupted for no reason. But one day she strutted into my classroom wearing a simple pale pink dress with thin straps holding it up over her shoulders. Her legs were half covered with white stockings that stopped mid-thigh and her small feet were covered in white ballet flats. She looked perfect. So pure and radiant. To top of her perfect look she had pulled her hair back halfway so that I could see every inch of her angelic face.

I assigned work to the class and sat behind my desk. I was already hard and I had hoped that no one had noticed. I started to palm myself again, the way I used to. I was creating friction but it wasn’t enough I needed more. I slipped my hand within my jeans once again but I was still craving more, even if it was just from my own right hand. I worked up the courage to descend another layer of clothing and reach my hand beneath my black boxers. I was so hard it hurt. Pre-cum was already dripping slowly from my tip. I stroked myself over and over again. I pumped with such force that I came that day. I had never come before in the classroom. I kept quiet the whole time and I was very proud of myself. When I looked down at my black jeans I saw a dark patch over my crotch. I silently cursed at myself and dismissed my class from sitting behind my desk. I usually stand and follow them out the door with words of encouragement for the rest of their day.

I ran to my car through the empty hallways of the school and quickly drove home in the spare period that I had between two of my classes. Once changed I speed back to the school and made my way to my class room. I sat behind my desk working on papers that my English class had handed in when I heard a soft knock at my door. I looked up and saw her walking towards me. I was knocked breathless. She came right up to my desk hand laid her left hand upon it and leant all of her weight into it.

I knew I had been staring so when she looked at me quizzically I snapped out of my day dream and addressed her.

“Yes?” I was harsh, but she cannot know the feelings I have towards her.

“Oh, I was just wondering if you were okay.” Her sweet voice invaded my ears.

Why wouldn’t I be okay? “I am fine. Why do you ask?”

She looked around the room once before resting her brown eyes upon my green ones. “It’s just in class earlier you seemed a bit off. And your face was flushed so I was just wondering if you were alright. You seemed sick.”

Oh, my sweet girl if only you knew. “Thankyou for your consideration but I was and am fine.”

“Okay, well I will see you tomorrow Sir.” She turned away from me and left my classroom. How did she notice me in class, I didn’t think I was that obvious. Maybe she noticed that I didn’t stand and wave them off from the classroom door. I stayed seated until I remembered what she had just called me. Sir. She had called me Sir.

Oh sweetheart, you will be calling me more than Sir soon I thought. 

AN// omg just realised i called the prologue 'epilogue' soz if anyone was confused. i will post the first chapter when i get 100 reads on the prologue 

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