Chapter 1

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Running the brush through my hair only made it worse. Damn. It is the first day of school and I do not look up to scratch. My eyes look tired, my face holds two red pimples just below my lip and my horridly curly hair is so frizzy that I may just have to braid it back.

Why can’t I look like all the other girls at my school? The boys lust after the tall blonde girls with sky blue eyes and porcelain skin. I am stuck with a dirty tan, washed out brown hair, boring brown eyes and the smallest boobs in the entire world. Who would ever find me attractive compared to those girls?

I don’t really crush on boys at my school, although I do find one of the popular ones quite cute. He has all of those female traits but just formed into a male version. He spikes his blonde hair up off his forehead, his blue eyes always shine and his oddly pale skin suits him to a T. I don’t know if I like him. But he is certainly the most attractive at school. Well most attractive student.

“Eleonora!” My brother’s voice travels throughout the house, up the stairs and into my bedroom. He graduated last year and is attending University four times a week. He decided to study teaching, something I didn’t really know he was interested in.

“Eleonora!” He shouts again. I am not even dressed, he can wait. I yell at him to give me five more minutes in which I receive a groan. I don’t even know what to wear. Dammit I really should’ve have pulled together an outfit last night. Skimming over my closet I decide on my pale pink dress with the thin straps. I always put it with my knee socks. It is chilly today. Maybe a sweater. I pull a white sweater over my head. I am rushing, which is making my hair even worse.  I race down the stairs, grab an apple and meet my brother in his green car.

“Jesus Ellie took you long enough.”

I look at my brother. He looks just like me. Tan skin, brown hair, brown eyes. But when you study him closer you can see the slight differences. His skin has a glow to it that mine doesn’t, his hair is a deeper more richer brown and his eyes hold a gold tone to them which mine have failed to achieve. He is very handsome, and that is why he always has girls tripping over just to speak to him.

“Shut up Zayn and turn the heat on.” He chuckles to himself but obliges to my demands.

We zoom though the streets in a comfortable silence. Zayn doesn’t speak much but I love that about him. He doesn’t push or pry for me to talk and always understands if I want to be left alone. He is the perfect brother.

“What subjects are you taking this year?” He breaks through the silence.

I have told him this. But he is forgetful, “Well, Zayn for the tenth time I am taking, math, biology, French, art, music and advanced English.”

He takes a few moments to answer, “I did art and music as well. I wasn’t smart enough for advanced English.” He mocks me in a posh accent. He pokes his tongue out at me after I try to shove his arm, “Hey driving here.” He warns me.

I turn the music up on his radio; it’s one of the current hits from some rapper. Zayn loves this type of music and he knows every word. He raps along until it stops and a small frown takes over his face. He must’ve really liked the song.

“Hey Ellie, who is your English teacher?” He asks. Random.

“Mr Styles, the same it has been every year. Why?”

The frown continues to stay etched into his face. “I don’t know, I just remembering hearing that he is a bit of a creep. Ya know?”

I have heard the rumours about Mr Styles. People say that he is a womanizer and that he sleeps with a random girl every weekend. People claim to see hickeys littered across his neck and that he has bloodshot eyes if you see him in the supermarket on the weekends. I don’t know how true they are but he is usually pleasant. He can sometimes be a bit rude towards me but I must admit his good looks sometimes get me distracted in class.

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