Movie Night (Tree Bros)

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Evan's POV
I'd always known Connor. We were practically friends since diapers, or something like that. He would look out for me, and I would be there for him when times would get rough. I mean, I guess you could call us "bros".
So why am I suddenly flustered when I get a text from him?
I grabbed my phone.
Con_man: hey ev wanna come over? Zoe's insisting on having a "movie night", she's brought her girlfriend, that annoying girl from science class.

I scratched my head. I felt my palms start to get sweaty.
I began to type.
TreeboyEvan: Yeah, sure. I mean, movie night can't be that bad
Con_Man: sure whatever but you know how annoying zoe is
TreeboyEvan: Haha yeah. Be there in 5

Spruce. I sounded too weird didn't I. Well Evan, at this pace you will be late.
Oddly flustered, I straightened up my shirt, grabbed a jacket, my phone, a pair of shoes, and a pair of mittens. Connor's house wasn't too far, but it was snowing a lot for some reason.
Can't wait to get snow all over myself.

Connor's POV
I heard the doorbell ring. It must be Evan. I straightened myself up, brushing off my hoodie. I opened the door to find him shivering, covered in snow.
"What happened to you? C'mon, get inside before you legs fucking freeze."
"Y-yeah sorry i-it was snowing-"
"I can see that." We both laughed awkwardly. I offered him a towel.
He set his jacket and gloves on the rack.
"By the way, the projector is downstairs in the basement. Do you want snacks?" I gestured to the pantry.
"Yeah, sure." Evan placed the now wet towel also on the rack.
We grabbed a bag of chips and some sodas, and went downstairs.

"Connor, is that you!? Hurry the hell up!" Fucking Zoe.
"Hey, shut up!" I rolled my eyes.
Me and Evan made our way to the couch, where Zoe and Alana were.
"Hey Evan!" Zoe said, her voice suddenly lighter, and more kinder than she'd ever sounded to me. I rolled my eyes.
"Hi!" Evan replied.
"Hey, you're that kid from Science! I knew I recognized your voice." Alana stood up from where she was sitting, and held out her hand. "Alana Beck, nice to meet you, Evan."
"Uhm hi!" Evan said nervously, shaking her hand.
I threw an old Spider-Man blanket over myself.
"So, what movie do you guys wanna watch? We have Hulu and Netflix." Zoe explained.
"Uhm how about a disaster movie?" I said. I knew that Evan liked those kinds of movies. I scratched my head, hoping he didn't notice what I was doing. No, I wasn't trying to impress him or anything, just a kind gesture, right?
"Connor stfu, let the guests choose, you moron." Zoe said.
"N-no that's fine, I kind of like disaster movies,". Evan intervened.
"I think that those kinds of movies are especially interesting!" Alana told her girlfriend brightly.
"Suck a dick, Zoe!" I cackled.
"Geez Connor, and okay we can watch a disaster movie—"
"Can we watch World War X??" Evan cut off Zoe, energetic. God I love him when he's like this. I mean, fuck, no I don't have a crush on my best friend. Right? Fuck.
"Sure." As Zoe set up the film, I noticed Evan shivering. Shit, he's cold. Shit, shit, shit, what do I do. I ran my fingers through my hair. If I offer him to share this blanket it won't be awkward, right? A million thoughts raced through my head at once. Somehow, I mustered up the courage to ask. Don't fucking screw this up Connor.
"Hey Ev, you look cold. Do you—I mean, do you wanna share this blanket?" Something flickered in his beautiful blue eyes.
"Sure," He replied shakily.
Awkwardly, I tried as gently as I could to drape the blanket over him. As the movie started, I felt him snuggle closer to me. I felt my cheeks flush. Thank fuck Zoe wasn't watching. She was too occupied with Alana doing her hair or some shit. Evan shivered.
And God damn, he was cute. The way he would awkwardly blush whenever someone called upon him. The way he would turn his head away from the screen, eyes filled with fear, whenever something scary flashed on the screen. Whenever this happened, he would always turn towards me. Searching for, I don't know, comfort? Safety? All I could do was stare at the screen as I felt his gaze on me.
Evan's POV
What the fern was I doing? It's not like I had meant to be staring at him for like, the whole movie. What if he noticed? It wasn't my fault that he just looked so, handsome next to me. His soft, overgrown curls. His dark, yet gentle eyes.
Suddenly, he looked back at me, startled. Spruce! I could only look back at him as his eyes searched me. He really better have not noticed me. I felt my face grow hot, my palms starting to sweat.
He threw his arm around my shoulders. Oh fern. This was uhm, awkward. His arm was warm. Despite his cold exterior, he was a gentle being. I snuggled closer to him, and rested my head on his shoulder, not really paying attention to the movie anymore. I yawned, feeling my self drift slowly to sleep.
Connor' s POV
I- I mean, I-, HOLY FUCK. Why did Evan have to be so adorable!? Well, one way or another, here we were, practically cuddling, my arm around him, his head on my shoulder. As his eyes fluttered asleep, I couldn't help but feel, well, attached to him. Why the hell did he have to be so cute.
"Haha, looks like Connor has a boyfriend!" Zoe called, playfully teasing me.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP ZOE!" I whisper-shouted, trying hard not to wake him up. Zoe stuck up her middle finger, grinning. Alana chuckled. I rolled my eyes.
Evan let out gentle snores throughout the movie. Fucking cute as always.
As the movie neared the end, I placed a kiss onto Ev's forehead.
Author's note: okay okay so this was fluffy but i loved it aaaAaaa
this is my first book on Wattpad so yeet
Also 1039 words lets goooo

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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