part 22: be mine

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seonghwa and y/n arrived at the restaurant. it was fancy. like really fancy.

each table was lit by a candle and there was more silverware than anyone could possibly use on their own. a host escorted them to their table and they got seated.

"wow you really did not come to play with this nice ass restaurant"
he gave a humble chuckle.
"you know i would've been happy with anything, right? even mcdonald's"
"i know i know i just love spoiling you"
"tsk you're so extra i hate you"
"i love you too"
a waiter dressed with a necktie came up and asked for their orders.

the dinner itself was lovely. the steak was perfectly cooked, the dressing artfully seasoned, the wine beautifully aged. y/n knew seonghwa would not accept anything less.

they had finished eating, and were sitting to rest after such a good meal. seonghwa learned forward and initiated a new conversation:
"remember a while ago, when there was that scare"
"no, actually. i've completely forgotten"
he scoffed. "but anyways. the whole thing has really stayed with me. it's made me think a whole lot about, you know, us"
y/n began to grow uneasy. she had no idea what seonghwa was going to say.
"..yeah?" y/n said, a bit meekly.
"i don't know a whole lot at this point in my life, but i know that i love you and i want to be with you"
she felt herself getting teary.
"so i was just wondering if you wanted to commit to something a bit more long term"
long term? like what?
"what are you thinking?"
seonghwa fumbled to get something from his jacket pocket.
he wasn't about to do what she thought he was going to do, was he?
"i-i know we're both young so i was just thinking-"
he pulled out a ring, simple in design, but sparkling in the dimly lit restaurant.
"would you accept this promise ring from me"
y/n was not expecting that, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise.

"of course!"

she held out her hand and he put the ring on.

a single tear slipped down her cheek, but was wiped away by seonghwa.

"i love you, y/n"
"i love you too, park seonghwa"

i was going to upload this yesterday, but it was my birthday so i got a bit distracted. i hope you enjoyed it!

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