Chapter 3

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Third PoV

Thomas got to the park just as he sees Minho. 

"Yo Shuck-Face!" Minho yelled at Thomas.

"What the-" Kira stated seeing a weird scene take place infront of her. 

"Min-Min!" Thomas yelled back. 

"Ok First of all if I win this Race you are asking Newt out." Minho started and Thomas was going to open his mouth to say something and was cut off by a-"Yes he likes you to! You piece of Klunck!" 

"Ugh fine!" Thomas stated. 

"Ready, Set, Go!" Minho yelled and they we off.

The pack was just stunned at how fast they were.

"Minho just be back in an hour!" Kira yelled at he brother.

"Got it sis!" Minho yelled back.

"Kira who are they?" Scot asked his girlfriend

"Oh well they just found my long lost twin. His name is Minho." Kira stated

"And who is he with?" Lydia asked. "We never saw his face. and what's a 'Shuck-Face?'"

"Honestly I don't know. He hasn't said his name. Always says 'Shuck-Face' It's weird."

"I feel like I know him." Lydia stated getting weird looks from everyone. 

"Well my family is having this big dinner to celebrate his re-" Kira was cut off by a voice.

"You cheated!" Minho stated as the two boys came out of the woods.

"No No I am just Faster!"

"Tommy believe it all you want but you so cheated!" Minho stated as they walked over to a tree not seeing the group of kids looking at them.

"Well sorry if I hurt the 'Keeper of the runners' I will say I have always been faster then you!" Thomas stated as he sat down against the tree as Minho just kept standing. Thomas' face was hidden in shadows so the group couldn't see his face.

"Oh really?" Minho stated and punched his shoulder. This made Thomas stand up and look up.

"You wanting to go all Gally on me? I will spar with you right now!"  Thomas stated 

"Oh yes we are going full on Gally!" Minho stated getting into a fighting stance.

"Should we stop them?" Melia stated looking at Kira

"I am not sure. They look like they can fight." Then just as she said that Thomas was flung to the ground. 

"Ok Point proven! I will ask Newt Out!" Thomas stated as he accepted Minho's Hand and pulled himself up from the ground. 

"Wow that was quick!" Scot stated. 

"I am going to go see if he is okay." Kira stated as she got up and walked to her brother.

"Minho what did I just see?" Oh this Shank here is a cheater and so I went full Gally on his ass!" Minho stated.

"Well are you okay? Um?" Kira said looking at Thomas


"Oh well Thomas I am Kira, Minho's Sister." Kira stated

"Oh Hi!" Thomas stated

"Ok now you guys are introduced this guy-" Minho started  as he put a hand on Thomas's shoulder. "Has to now go and ask a boy out on a date!" Minho finished with a smirk

"Really Min-Min?" Thomas stated

"Sorry Tommy but a deal is a deal! Now come on! Sorry Kira I will be back in like 30 minuets." Minho stated

"Oh well do you want a ride?" Kira asked

"No we are just gonna run there." Thomas stated.

"Ok well have a good time! And good luck on the boy." Kira stated the asked Thomas "Oh and I was wondering if you wanted to come to Minho's Welcome home Dinner?"

"Ah Yea sure sounds fun!" Thomas stated

"Oh Shank lets go!" Minho grabbed him and they started a light jog and they passed Kira's group of friends. Thomas looked over and made a small smile and continued to jog away with Minho.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked

"What! Lydia what about Stiles?" Scot asked and Lydia just pointed to the Boy in the blue shirt jogging away with Minho. "No he would have said hi." Scot stated again. And he saw Kira coming over with a smirk on her face.

"Get any info on the mysterious kid?" Malia asked

"Yea. His name is Thomas and apparently he is off to ask a guy on a date. And he is also coming to Minho's welcome back dinner." Kira stated

"A boy? So that can't be Stiles Scot. Remember he had a big crush on me. He can't be gay." Lydia stated to Scot.

"Um who is Stiles?" Malia and Kira asked at the same time.

"An old friend." Scot stated looking down.

I'm A Runner, ShankWhere stories live. Discover now