Chapter 11

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We had been on our bullshit last night for almost 4 hours before I finally passed out. He had carried me to his room. I woke to soft touches through my hair and my eyes flutter open. Jake had his hand in my hair, his eyes shut as he dozed, his breath tickling me.

I pulled myself closer to him, smelling his scent. I couldn't deny anything anymore. I was in love with Jake and if Jake left me, I would die. I'm clingy like that, it's a family trait.

Jake smiles, his eyes finally opening. "Good morning, gorgeous."

For a second I believed him. Maybe I was harsh on myself. Jake made me feel... good. I nuzzle him. We spent all yesterday with each other, and our jobs permit us to cuddle all day if we want. We don't model everyday, so now we get to be with each other all the time.

He sits up and I whine, wanting to sleep longer. "Sorry, baby, but we got to unpack your stuff." He says, pressing a kiss to my lips. I sit up and regret it. I wince, my ass literally wrecked from last night.

Jake tries not to laugh and I narrow my eyes at him. "You want me to bring you breakfast, baby?" He asks. I nod and fall back against the pillows, smiling like I just got engaged. I'm already living with him, what if we did get married. I'm already dreaming of our future children.

That was bad... I can't get clingy. That's why I was always single. Jake came in with 2 bowls of Lucky Charms, and he sat beside me, holding me close, his bare chest pressed against my back. He pulls out his phone and checks his notifications. He set his bowl on the nightstand.

"Can I see your pictures, you know, from modelling?" I ask, giving him puppy dog eyes. He smiles. "I'm mostly shirtless, as you would assume." He says. He goes to the folder in his camera roll, his photo shoots perfect.

He is gorgeous.

I trace the hair below his belly button with my finger as he swipes through. There's one of him at a cafe with a coffee cup in front of his face and he's wearing a button up shirt that has avocados on it. I don't know why, but it's super cute.

"That's my sister." He points out, his cereal most definitely soggy.

His sister has short brown hair, eyeliner framing her eyes. She has her arms wrapped around a younger Jake, who is smiling really big. God he's adorable. "I was... I think, 16 in this one." He says. I smile.

"My parents got us into modelling when we were young. I played in one movie but my parents liked me better as a model. I liked being an actor though." He says, wistfully. I hug him tighter. "Why don't you act?" I ask.

"Well, I do some acting. But not in movies. You should come and meet my drama crew. And drama they are. God those guys are chaotic." He laughs. "Haven't seen them in a while, my ex girlfriend is there." He admits. I nuzzle him jealously.

"Don't worry, we are sooooo done. Anne and I are way better friends." He tells me. I smile, kissing his chest. He ruffles my curls and I cup his face, pulling him in for a kiss. I pull back, setting my bowl down.

I reattach our lips. He pulls me in close and I straddle his lap. "Good, cuz I really like you." I say, running my hands down his chest. He shudders gripping my hips. I'm glad I'm already naked and can just get to it. Cuz Jake couldn't resist me. And I do NOT want to unpack my stuff. I just threw my stuff in boxes. The clothes aren't even folded.

"You're trying to distract me with sex, aren't you." He says. I nod. "Jeez, I don't believe that you were a virgin, there's no way. You're too good at this." He laughs. I smile. "I'm surprising myself."

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