Toilet-Bound Ōma-kun (Request |1|)

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A:N) this is just a note to self; d o n ' t  e v e r  fuse an anime/game character name with the title of TBHK unless it's the Japanese version, actually that's no better...
This title makes me think that Kokichi got him some constipation

Note (April 11th, 2020): I just realised my stupid sleep-deprived self read the request wrong! Sorry? I guess?
That doesn't make up for it since I re-read the request like 20 times before I wrote this b'cause I'm dyslexic, but take this until I finish rewriting it.
P.s: this is pretty much the (very low-key) Ōmasai version of the first chapter/episode of "Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun."

-The stupid ass author, No_Thats_Wrong

Request by: SHSLxHopeBagel
(even though I screwed up)

Trigger warnings:
(slight) OOC, and (anime) spoilers

Genre: Narrative (obviously)—Crossover, horror/occult

Fic-type: AU, (high-key) Crossover—
New Danganronpa V3//X\\Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun

Prompt/request (rewritten): Shuichi Saihara and Kokichi Ōma becoming friends following the concept of the manga/anime; "Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun."

Started: April 10th, 2020
Finished: April 11th, 2020

"Have you heard the rumour of the seven school mysteries?

Rumour has it; that if you uncover the secret behind all seven mysteries, something special will occur~."

"Oh, you don't know them? Then I'll tell you about the most well-known of them.

The seventh mystery, Ōma-san of the toilet."

And that's why I'm here, standing in front of the third stall of the men's bathroom in the old schoolhouse building.

They say that in the third stall of the third floor in the old schoolhouse building:

you can find Ōma-san.

Hanako-san is said to be a dead school-girl who, if you successfully summon, will grant you a wish to any degree. But of course, it comes at a price.

I slowly reach my sweaty, clenched fist to the old stall door.

According to the rumours, to summon Ōma-san, you knock on the third stall door in a solid 1-2-3 rhythm-


And call out her name twice-

"O-...Ōma-san, Ōma-san;"

Before asking if she is present-

"Are you there?"

I wait a minute, before turning to leave as I hear a slow creak, followed by a raspy and playfully stretched out voice.

"I'm here, 〜."

Albeit scared, I stop dead in my tracks and turn back to the stall, nearly giving myself whip-lash. "H...Huh..?" I examine the now open stall door, not seeing anything out of place from a regular stall door.

I sigh. It must just be my imagination; there's no-one there-


I cry out as My train of thought was suddenly cut off by a slight weight on my shoulder and menacing raspy voice behind me; there's no doubt this is the same voice as before.

"Behind you!"

Surprised, I turn quickly and push at them, although it's in vain as my hands pass right through their face. Scared, now more than before, I fall back on my behind and crawl backwards as I scream.


The person began to laugh as I looked down, trying to figure out what was happening, that's when I noticed; a boy's voice? Is someone messing with me..?'

I look up to see a boy's face inches away from mine.
"Are you alright?" The boy asks.

I continue to examine at him for a minute, his large and unblinking ultra-violet eyes staring into mine as his pale cheerful face subtly contorts into one of faint worry. He tilts his head as he asks again, "Hey, are you alright?" As some of his blackish-purple locks slowly fall in front of his right eye.

I snap out of my trance, finally answering him;

"Ah, yeah... I'm fine—Who, are you?"

He pauses.

As I carefully stand up, I scan the boy, trying to see if I can recognise him.

(A/N: Sorry about the next couple of paragraphs, I'm terrible with descriptions)

He's wearing—what seems like—a white gakuran, although the jacket is oversized and torn at the edges, with the buttons seemingly replaced, varying in colour from white to gold, to purple. He's also wearing a black, German military-style hat, lined with golden embroidery lining the edges, his hat also bearing a stylised skull sewed into the lower front and an almost bird-like(?) golden symbol securely and seamlessly placed a little above it, with more gold embroidery separating both designs.

His face is pale and slim, and he has a white seal on his face with 'Seal' written on it with broad red Japanese characters and his smile seemingly able to stretch past the boundaries of his mouth if he willed.

His 'uniform' also has belt-like straps on his wrists, elbows, and thighs, with the actual belt hanging off the back of his legs. He's wearing black and purple dress shoes as well, but, putting aside all of that, he has three, very defining and—er, odd, features:

He's floating...translucent..and has two oddly shaped orbs—like in horror manga—floating beside him..?

His cheerful face contorting into a playful yet perplexed pout, " You're the one who summoned me! You seriously don't know who I am..?"

I think for a moment. Ah, wait- I came here and attempted to summon Ōma-san, the dead schoolgirl ghost. And now there is this translucent, floating boy, with what looks like—Maybe eye-shaped(?)—Will-o-wisps, wearing what I think is an old school uniform, and he's claiming to have been summoned by me..?




This boy is;

"Niishishi! That's right; I'm a ghost!"

His playful smile growing a bit larger as he continued;

"Seventh of the school's seven school mysteries, Ōma-san of the toilet." He tipped his hat down slightly in a kind and greeting manner as he continued. "Ōma-san of the toilet, it's a pleasure to meet ya'!"

(~942 words including the sh¡t at the beginning)

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