angsty crap-

42 2 7

Hhhh I was listening to 'My Time' and was in an angsty mood, and I decided to do this while I make y'all very few people wait for the next few chapters... Uh, enjoy?

People want what they can't have; they get what they don't want.

Some people get what they deserve; while others get what they want.

I know I didn't want this, and, even though, I'll admit, I'm a pretty bad guy, I still don't know what I could have done to earn or deserve a fate like this one.

What did I do? Tick off the wrong person? Pull the wrong prank? Lie at the wrong time? None of those should have caused this.

I couldn't have deserved this, bad as I may be, did I?

Right now, Shuichi, no, Saihara is standing over me, kitchen knife from the dining hall in hand with the most disgusting, malicious look I've ever seen in my life, in his golden-grey eyes.

What did I do?

Why is Saihara trying to kill me?

I don't want to die.

I want to scream, but it's no use, no one would try to help me anyway, I may be a liar, but it's the truth.

I reach out a hand, pushing m̶y̶ b̶e̶l̶o̶v̶e̶d̶ Saihara back with all my might, although it's not much, and trying to run.

A white, hot pain sears through my body as I fall, a strangled yell falling from my throat as a collapse.

My leg, what's wrong with my leg? Why does it hurt so much..? Oh, bloody hell, I've been stabbed.

I was so stupid to trust him; I shouldn't have come when he asked me to.

Another sharp, white pain, I think he hit a bone. I can't move my legs, and even if I could, I'd probably bleed to death or be cornered again before I could make it to safety.

I'm dead.

This is it.

The end of Kokichi Ouma, Ultimate Supreme Leader, and the death of the most hated and unknown liar in probably the past, and next few hundred years.

Another searing white pain.

It hurts.

Somebody help me.


I can feel the blood pooling around me as I draw my final breaths.

"I'm sorry" is all I manage to make out.

How was that for my first angst? I dunno if I did very good, but I enjoyed writing this~

also, happy early birthday to the purple gremlin~!

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