2- A coincidence?

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Sitting there with 'seesaw' playing at almost full volume in my noise cancelling headphones, I looked up from my sketchbook, looking for a new subject to sketch. I was planning to sketch till noon and then go for lunch and then hunt for a bookstore or a street to get lost in.

The song changed to  'Trivia: Love' as my eyes fell on a tall man in a beige coat and a white mask and light pink scarf.

The scarf was what caught my attention.

The mask next.

And then the eyes.

Through my glasses it took me a second to realise whose eyes those were.

It had to be Kim Namjoon.

It had to be BTS's leader. After ages of staring at their pictures and admiring them for what they did, you bet your ass I could recognise them by their eyes and figure.

Not in a creepy way.

In a really observing (albeit mildly obsessive way).

Okay, maybe that was a little creepy...

I knew they were on their break right about now. Every member going their separate ways to chill after what must've been a hectic year.

He looked happy, with airpods in his ears. Staring at the sky. At the flowers and plants that dotted the path. At the flowers in the tree.

At me.

I saw his eyes crinkle, in a smile, a tiny nod in my direction.

And I smiled back. Holding my breath, hoping he won't notice the grey LY hoodie I had over my sweatshirt under my jacket.

It's ridiculous I was wearing three layers but then again I was anything but used to this weather.

Hoping he won't notice the RJ keychain on my backpack ant the various BT21 pins.

Desperately trying to contain the inner fangirl in me, I look down again, drawing. Trying to ignore the fact that the person singing in my ears was right there in front of me. Sheesh.

Please don't notice the blush. Eeesh, Anna blushing? That NEVER happens. NOPE. I'M NOT BLUSHING.

I saw his feet hesitate for a second. But he continued. And when I saw him round the corner, I breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Dammit Ayanna! You should've asked for a picture or something! You'll never get to see him again!"

"Ahh but then again, it's his break. I don't think he'd like to be noticed. Maybe it's a good thing my social skills are as developed as that of a potato"

"Yeah. It's a good thing. A hint of normalcy in his life. Yeah. It's the least I can do for a man who literally saved my life at one point."



STFU Ayanna... What's done is done. Be at peace now and draw for god's sake."

My hands moved of their own volition. And the next thing I knew I had drawn a mysterious man in a coat, scarf and mask.

With Kim Namjoon's eyes.

'Aish woman, could you get any more predictable" I sigh.

Unedited. Written on a whim. Like all pages so far.
Could I get any more predictable? Was that predictable? I guess it was from the description of the book, but then again I did warn it would be kind of cheesy. And right now I think all of us could appreciate a little cheesy
Also the last few lines are a monologue in your head. I'm guessing a lot of people have monologues. You play music to stop the monologues, but sometimes they can talk over the music, as in this case
Thank you for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments! Also any ideas too! I just really appreciate if you read this in the first place.

Edited on 9th June 2020

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